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Everything posted by moneeshot

  1. I should update this to account for an estimated 300 sextillion stars
  2. My 5 year old would think this is ridiculous but I can't let this go. I'm trying to calculate how long it would really take Yahweh to create the universe. Taking what data I could find and some nonsense from Genesis I figured maybe d = r * t. Fairly simple approach but It's all I can think of at this time. Standard measurements, miles and mph. What I'm doing is taking the circumference of the earth in miles: 24,901 miles(distance), 3 days = 72 hours(time) and X = rate. X ~ 346. So traveling at 346mph it would take about 72 hours to circle the earth. Of course the earth is too small for any type of realistic(hah) data so I'll use the sun as an average size of a star. 2,713,406 miles: at 346mph it would take roughly: 327 days. 327 days to create one star so multiply that by err.. 10^13(rough estimate?) = 3,270,000,000,000,000 days to create the universe or at least the stars in it. Well that is definitely flawed but that is why I'm here. I'm leaving out many factors for simplicity, distance between galaxies; star complexity; etc.. Using these variables could be another question to the validity of the data but from what I have this is the best I could do and come up with so far. Solar mass would be more precise and complex, if even possible but that's way above my pay grade. These vars are just a way for me to have data to manipulate so that I have a number of days to create a star, going off the only, um, solid data for what is claimed in creation. 3 days to create the earth and since the stars are not pinholes in the night sky, I'm attempting to do the math. I feel I should add that this is in no way related to creationism, I'm just curious about the possible results.
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