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  • Location
    East Bay, California
  • Interests
    Fast Cars and exotic vacations
  • College Major/Degree
    B.S. Biology
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Asst. Mgr. Leslies Pool Supplies

Goober's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Can anyone see a way to remove nitrates, amines, chloramines from pool water contaminated with calcium hypochlorite as the sanitizer or monopersulfate as an oxidizing agent. I can see removal of proteins through use of a protein skimmer, maybe but what is left behind? Perhaps nitrogen fixing for formation of atomic nitrogen that would evaporate off...Okay it's a stretch. What about in conjunction with a chlorine generator? Love to hear your thoughts unless this is the stupidist idea you have ever heard. Best Goober
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