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  • Location
    Boise, Id
  • Interests
    Math, Statistics, Earth Sciences
  • College Major/Degree
    BS, MS mathematical statistics, PhD quantitative methods U of Ill
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Earth Sciences
  • Biography
    Moved to Idaho from Illinois to hike, climb, kayak and raise a family. Family is raised, kayaking and hiking are mostly done by my kids, now.
  • Occupation
    Reliability Statistician

GeoMath's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. In another thread (now locked) "Dr.Rocket" and others offer a useful perspective on the use of differentials. For example, it is concluded that dx/dy (in usual mathematics) is not a ratio. I have seen differentials defined to be real numbers - really just del(x), del(y) in which case they can be a ratio, but this is not what I want to ask about. I see many cases in the physical sciences, including the earth sciences and especially in thermodynamics, where differentials are used in what I'll call "casual" (or short cut) derivations. I'll include an example below. My particular interest is not to rain on anyone's parade; the contexts in which I find these derivations persuade me that the authors are not schlocks. I just seek some guidance/assistance in making such "derivations" a little more explicit. In the previous related thread, Dr.Rocket pointed out that many of these shortcuts can be made explicit by referring to the chain rule. I don't see how that might apply here, but maybe there are other implicit justifications that are being invoked. In the following excerpt, we start with two simple equations involving differentials (isolated differentials - I don't understand the meaning we should give that, either!) and proceed to combine them into another equation and then integrate. Can we make this derivation explicit? [edit: the editor is apparently not WYSIWG; I apologize for the awkward math typography.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dA = kA A, dB = kB B, where k's are rate constants for the forward reaction. Assume no back reaction at all (e.g., dry wind blowing across a lake, so there's essentially no possibility that an evaporated H2O will get back into the lake). but Kb/Ba = a , and dB/dA = a (B/A), 1/B (dB) = a 1/A (dA) ...integrate getting ln (B/Bo) = a ln(A/Ao) ... I do note that I can choose to interpret dA to mean dA/dt, etc. in which case the conclusion follows.
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