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    Zurich, Switzerland
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  1. http://blog.23andme.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Drabant-Poster-v7.pdf
  2. Manfromzurich

    Gay gene

    Or an epigenetic/hormonal failure.
  3. A bisexual can use all three words(homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual) to define his or her sexuality.
  4. A actual poll says only 16% of the Swiss would vote for a entering into the EU. So you see we don't like these iexpensive burocrats in Brussel.
  5. Persons who are sexually attracted to the people of the same-gender.
  6. Manfromzurich

    Gay gene

    Even the question if homosexuality is a choice is ridiculous.
  7. My question was a statistical. If this study already shows the true frequency of male homosexuality ! Because jp255 says no it isn't.
  8. Manfromzurich

    Gay gene

    http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/72481-frequency-of-male-homosexuality/ I believe that these very feminine gays are very often haidressers or cloth designer or flower seller. hat's why I believe in a bank there are less gays. Well there are such a lot of gay actors, that your ''2%-3%'' can't be correct.
  9. Well I don't want to live in a country which is only sone meters above the sea, or even less meters than the sea level. You will have a lot of problems cause of global warming. And anyway I'm living in the Swiss Plateau and not in the Alps. And anyway we have the luck NOT TO BE in the EU, while the Dutch are in this mess.
  10. http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2012-13/world-ranking http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2012-13/world-ranking/region/europe '' the fact the EU has a mouth'', well this was a metaphor amd a personification of the EU institution. Switzerland is better than the EU, because we have our debts under controll, rthey don't. The Swiss anknotes are tho most secure notes of all. The have the most security printings, while the dollar notes only have few security prontings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_printing Very soon they will release new kinds of Swiss banknotes, which have again some additional electronic security printings.
  11. Hi folks I'm interest in genetics and biochemistry. I wanted to know if there is a genetic cause for my homosexuality. I founded this study: http://blog.23andme.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Drabant-Poster-v7.pdf In this paper you can see that between 12% and 14 % of all men are gay. Well posted this paper in this chat: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/67578-gay-gene/page-10 Now a person can't believe that male homosexuality is such common. But doesn't this paper clealy show us the statistical facts? I am sure these 13/14% tell us the truth. Well 23andme has 200'000 customer from USA and all over the world. The droped the prize of 290$ down to 90$, because they want to get more than 1 million costumer. No Sir I don't believe you can speak here of a ''particular'' group. They will continue this GWAS the next several years and should their study grow over 100'000 men asked about their sexual orientation and should still between 12% and 14% of men indentify as gay, then we can clearly say this is the fact. I know you can't accept this, because in the real life outside, you don't spot such a lot of gays, because you believe in these cliché gays. But see, if only 2 %until 3 % of all men were gay how you believe, it wasn't so easy to make channelx like ''taken, straight or gay'' or woman and five gays. I'm sure If you would work in a bank where it has 3000 male employers and would you make a poll(the answer of each one stays anonymous) about their sexual orientation, )9% until 11% would say they were gay.
  12. Manfromzurich

    Gay gene

    Go ask a mathematican about statistics and stochastic. I'm sure If you would work in a bank where it has 3000 male employers and would you make a poll(the answer of each one stays anonymous) about their sexual orientation, )9% until 11% would say they were gay. I mean did you know that Victor Garber or Neil Patrick Harris before they had their coming out. Look at this list: http://www.imdb.com/list/ClwkBTwU5ZQ/ I can't believe in your ''2% or 3%'' frequency. I go asking in the mathematic forum.
  13. Manfromzurich

    Gay gene

    I am sure these 13/14% tell us the truth. Well 23andme has 200'000 customer from USA and all over the world. The droped the prize of 290$ down to 90$, because they want to get more than 1 million costumer. No Sir I don't believe you can speak here of a ''particular'' group. They will continue this GWAS the next several years and should their study grow over 100'000 men asked about their sexual orientation and should still between 12% and 14% of men indentify as gay, then we can clearly say this is the fact. I know you can't accept this, because in the real life outside, you don't spot such a lot of gays, because you believe in these cliché gays. But see, if only 2 %until 3 % of all men were gay how you believe, it wasn't so easy to make channelx like ''taken, straight or gay'' or woman and five gays.
  14. ''EU'' I must vomit as a Swiss. We have a better currency with the most secure bank notes. We have better laws than the EU countries. We have the lowest unemployment rate and we are one of the wealthiest on this continent. And we have a very democartic and solid govrnement. EU is not good. And we have the ETH of Zurich wich is ranked as the 12th best university and the ETH of Lausanne ranked as 40th. EU should shut up their stupid mouth to say what we have to do and which laws we can have. We have the strongest and best animal protection laws and the most strict laws for cattle breeding . We are until today the only country where it is illegal to have box chicken. Our farmers have the highes wage of all European farmers. If we would open our ariculture market, our farmers had big problems. I have ZERO intrest buy French milk or German meat. Even the schengener dublin is not really good. Because of this, we have a lot of border French Italian or German people, who work in Switzerland and have a much time lower earning than a Swiss worker. That's called lohndumping. And that only cause we had entered into the schengener area. There is NOTHING we had better if we would enter into the EU.
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