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  1. Thankyou for you for your comment Ophiolite. And yes you are correct i am a beginner so to speak. I love Philosophy and this was my first post on science forums.. I wanted to let my imagination go on this one and i did. I believe Philosophy is the new science as only the imagination can create such thoughts and where those thoughts originate is where the answer is . My main thought on this matter was the fact that atoms behave like solar systems, yes some of my ideas are a very far fetched but there definatly is something in this comparision. I will work on it more, but this time i will not let non facts like my analogies run wild. Philosophy has always been a interest of mine and i am greatful for your comment.
  2. We think of our universe as being a whole entity, but in my theory you will see how our universe is made up of infinete small things and infinately big things at the same time.....Firstly think of our sun in our solar system this is very simalar to the structure of an Atom. The structure of our Galaxy the milkyway is also simalar... this structure is universal and aslo iconic. Now the sun in our solar system is very simalar to an Electron in a Atom, also our sun is our solar systems energy giver. Here we can see that our galaxy the Milky way has millions of suns just like electrons in a atom and round those suns are planets, these planets act in a clockwork fasion constantly moving around the planets said sun creating time itself. Now think of the centre of our galaxy as being the centre of an atom in which electrons aka suns are roatating around, the centre of our galaxy here is the theory itself.... everything in our universe is made up of mass ie. Atoms. clumped together making particals which in turns binds our everyday life. If we were to zoom in and zoom in until you are looking at something so small its inconprehenceable you will see an Atom . my theory is that everything in our universe the atoms its made up from , host smaller galaxys in every atom itself this is so small we have never thought this way before. The electrons are the suns in the atom Everything that is in our mass that makes matter in our galaxy is made up of atoms ie smaller galaxys and solar systems . Also if we were to look into space so far we have never seen this far before you will find that all the suns in our galaxy and all the galaxys in our universe and all the universe make up a bigger picture of which is yet another universe. So our universe contains infinete smaller universe and infinete bigger universe. its just a case of looking and thinking of how our planet orbits the sun just like an electron orbiting an atom as so is our galaxy the milkyway. for instance one day we may destroy earth through polution and this will in effect give our planet cancer which for instance if our universe makes up a livving being aka our universe is alive! , then that will be like cancer in the universe just like in a living being. thats just an example. So the planets in our solar system is the matter that makes up particals like a galaxy looks like a molucule. Earth may be the life giver ( oxygen ) but Mars may well be a dead partical heading towards the sun for destruction . The other planets in our solar system are also made up of minerals which give a clue to which element our solar system is in its Atomic form, if we are thinking that way. Time.. Time is the clockwork motion of the planets round the solar system in the way a watch willl work. and every so oftern you will see an allignment in our solar system this is equal to a freeze frame in the bigger picture . this allignment is one movement in our solar system and equal to one vibrationtion in the bigger universe. which if you think of our universe as many universe's just like a wave of sound. that movement happens and then this has a knock on effect in say the atom . ie. a vibration just like a sound wave moves to our ears into our eardrum through vibrations in the particals this vibration itself is one movement of the atom, creating ongoing vibrations in other so galaxys or atoms creating a movement in the bigger picture.... here is another example.. our universe may well be a blood cell ina living being. so one day we may get a virus or batiria , this may well explane serpants or other mythical creators that come the earth to feed just like batiria or virus in the bloodstream maybe would attack. its just a case of thinking biiger and infintely smaller... enjoy..
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