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  1. Thank you CharonY. I agree with you partly but I don´t think my question about stomach pH is misplaced. 1 ml of lentiviral vector supernatant may contain as high as 1e+8 or 1e+9 particles, so just let´s think about a couple of drops. (0,05 ul on average).
  2. Thank you guys, some of you are right and jp255 is correct. As I talked about "oncogenic p53" it means I did mutagenesis to create my construct. In vitro, I have seen my p53 enhancing tumorigenesis of of my cell lines, so I already know what it is capable of. My real question was: what´s the likelihood this lentiviral vector survives the stomach pH. CharonY mentioned it is low but I haven´t been able to find any information on the literature about this. There are excellent reviews about oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes on PubMed if you are looking for deep knowledge about cancer.
  3. Hi Charon. I really appreciate your advice and recognize I made a huge careless mistake. I know the lentiviral vector will not replicate. My concern is getting the P53 oncogene inside my DNA and being express from there. Do you think stomach pH killed all the particles before they were internalized?
  4. Hi everyone. I recently had an accident in the lab. I swallowed a couple of lentiviral supernatants drops from 293 cells when my dish fell down inside the hood and spilled all over my face. It was the day when collecting infectious media with a human p53 mutant construct. I´m so scared, I reported the accident and I´m under medical follow-up but I am uncertain of what might happen in the future to me. I am aware my titer of lentiviral vector in the supernatant was very high, between 1E+5 and 1E+6 per ml. Do you guys believe my stomach pH might have killed all the viral particles before the attached any of my cells in the gastric tract?. I´m going crazy! Thank you for your answers. Myriam.
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