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    Climate and Physics

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  1. "Scientific" Consensus Broken Down: 26 years of climate change research and millions of studies later we are now left with the major scientific academies all agreeing;"Climate change is real and happening and could possibly be a crisis ofunstoppable warming." Yes "could possibly be". Not one single IPCC report ofcrisis ever mentions the promise of a climate crisis with "certainty","immanency" or "unavoidable" or "impending" etc. It is always with a "maybe".Always! And how could they all have consensus of unstoppable warmingwhen they all have their own special and unique studies on "effects" and almostnever on "causes"? Climate change was the study of the effects in a worst casescenario of the crisis of climate change caused by Humanity, a "crisis" thatcan't be proven or disproved anyways. Wouldn't the millions of people in the global scientificcommunity be acting just a little differently if this really was a real climatecrisis? Nothing could be worse besides a comet hit. Climate blame science has done to science what abusive priests did for the church.
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