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Everything posted by Onix

  1. Not different? so parallel ? So you are saying that there is no difference not even slight ? Wouldn't there be no point of multiple universes. Well i do really believe that there are multiple universes and i am really interested in them also. But so far there is no proof of it. But if you believe in the unthinkble then there will be a way to find it
  2. I ever heard of this story long ago i think i rings a bell but im not sure maybe i saw it in a movie or heard of it and if it really exist than we ordinary people would not know of it the goverment will keep it a secret
  3. A very good opinion in my view. But this does not solve my other question ( not that your answer was incorrect ) My other question was, Are there multiple universes or are we the only one? In theory it would be possible to have more then one of everything. And if there are more it would not be smart to go to one and another beceause it will probally lead into catastrophy and 1 world will remain. Or do you have another opinion on this case?
  4. Hello, I'm very busy on thinking if multiple universes are real or if we are the only universe. If they would be real wouldt if even be possible to get there or wouldn't your body be able to handle it. These are many question but there are different theories about black hole's. Some say they will lead to somewhere else in our universe and a theory says that they end in another universe. i have spend alot of time on thinking about this topic. Is there anyone that have an opinion on this?
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