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Posts posted by macbeth91

  1. hey, I'm doing a project on dry cell batteries. I understand that there are formulas and what-not, but how does it produce electricity???

    ...same question for the Gratzel cell.


    and if you have any sites that may aid my project, dont hesitate to share it :)

  2. Urey and Miller's experiment wasn't a failure, like AARONDISNEY said. their aim was to test the theory that organic molecules could be made in the prehistoric conditions of earth. this theory was developed earlier (by a few guys who's names slip my mind)...and until Urey and Miller came along, there was no proof/test. this conflicted the concept of panspermia (the idea that comets carried life to earth), and showed that amino acids could be made...and we all know amino acids to be the building blocks of life. besides that, and to answer the original question, there was know free oxygen in the atmosphere. when water eveporates it is a change in physical state. it is not a chemical reaction like electrolysis, and thus the oxygen was still attached to other hydrogen atoms. we need oxygen in it's free, diatomic state....not joined to anything else.

  3. got a problem. me and my friends are always arguing about the said title's question. i'm always the only one left fending for my thoughts on not being able to. problem is, i'm not a physics student, and my friends are. i tell them that the speed of light stays at a constant. its like, you can reach the speed of light, but it will always be the exact same speed faster than you. need help. i dont want help in arguing my point, but want to know what you people think is the right answer and why.

  4. i once heard some theory (not naming who's in case i'm wrong) that said that the universe is constantly expanding. of course this is due to the heat of everything being so close and hot (ie: galaxies heat the space between them and expand, a bit like steel train tracks). like steel train tracks, as they cool, they shrink back together, making the universe have a pulse (in a way...but very, very, very slow).

    this theory also suggested that as the universe cools and contracts, time reverses, making everything go backwards. perhaps de ja vu is us remembering things that have already happened, and that those who are capable of making accurate predictions are better at remembering (like nostradamus, who predicted an evil tyrant called 'hissler'.....any guess who that might be?) ;)

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