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Posts posted by CherryTarantino

  1. For AQA Chem Unit 1, the answers are given to you in the book you are supplied while taking this GCSE.



    "Forgive me but what does that question have to do with Chemistry? "

    I know, when I took that Exam I wondered myself, but it does tie in with the Earth Science that is in the rest of the course. I does go into the atomic parts and Hydrocarbon aspects of Earth Science later on.

  2. One other thing that I read years ago, and I will humbly apologize that I can't find the source anymore to quote it directly, is that our calendar (the once used by the Western world at least) is off by as much as 7 years one way or the other due to accuracy issues during the dark and middle ages.


    So whenever I see these people freaking out about the end of the world in 2012, I just smile and think "But it's already 2019."



    Indeed, the Arabic calander is like that too. Its completly different.


    And nice. I will have to use that one one the man in my town who goes around shouting that we are all going to die.



    Personally, I found C++ difficult to master at first so started with C#. Its easier, its a bit more like a normal language in my opinion. Once i had a good idea of C# I then moved onto C++ And found I understood it more.



    What I would say to anyone who wants to start programming and is a student/ at collage/ uni look up Microsoft Dreamspark. It gives away Visual Studio Prfessional for free.. Usually its a couple of Hundred to a thousand pounds.


    I apoligse if anyone has already mentioned that! I havent read all of the thread!



  4. I do not understand why people write about these sort of things.


    For instance, you write about the word "adam". But you seem to forget that the Old testament was writen in Hebrew. So infact Adam would be אדם


    Thanksgiving is not referenced in the Bible at all i do not believe. It is an American tradition. Like Christmas. Do not bother putting numbers to "prove" Christmas. it was not the day Christ was born, it was placed in the middle of winter to co-inside with the Paegen celebration when the Romans came to conquer England and brought Christianity with it.


    Also, like said above. There is no point on mesing with dates. We are a georgian calender and otehr calenders are completly different so the date you give will not be the actual dates for such events. Like in GCSE Russian History. We were taught things happened in September, when really they actually happened end of october. Different Calenders cause confusion to people.


    I would study before I would spend time with all of these numbers.

  5. Hello Holly and welcome to forum


    1. We should be clear that dark matter and dark energy are almost completely separate things linked really only by a name - I assume we can forget about dark energy for your project. If you are unsure of the distinction let me know.


    2. Pantheory started an excellent thread here - Dark matter is not matter? with some news stories and article regarding a few possible problems with dark matter.


    3. Dark matter is the leading theory at present - but there are others - I am sure some of the members/experts will point you in the right direction; but be aware many will just say - "But dark matter does exists" :)



    Ahh I understand! I have done quite a lot of research on Dark Matter but none on Dark Energy so silly me assumed they were related! i shall do som research on it now so I get a better understanding on the topic from now on. Then we shall forget about dark energy!


    Ahh wow brilliant thread :D I shall take a read now! Thankyou very much!


    And I have braced myself for the "Dark Matter does exist" posts




    i am looking forward to over peoples replys. I'm sure this will be an interesting topic to study!

  6. My name is Holly, i am 16 and live in England! Yay go England :D


    I have many interests including Physics and Chemistry and Maths. Also Langugaes: As well as English i speak German Dutch and Japanese (Although Ill be good here and speak English :3)


    i also play the flute and bass guitar and attend church every friday after school... because I always seem to oversleep on Sundays ^.^


    My dream is to either study Robotics with Japanese or heorectical Physics at Oxford... my hometown!

  7. If someone would like to introduce the role of computers in this please feel free to do so.


    I would like to! ;)


    As for computers, unfortunatly the development of faster processors and memory and technology is, in my opinion, slowing down.


    I do not know if you know anything about how a computer works so I wont go into too much detail incase you do not understand some of it.


    But my reasoning for this:

    I curerntly have a saturday job as an IT Technician so encounter Computers all the time and have noticed that the new processors and other hardware are not that much more advanced than the predosessors. We do not seem to be making faste components. To cover this up, it seems Intel and AMD, have been adding moer Cores into a processor (the part that does the calculations) and not getting any much more faster than before, maybe 0.05GHz faster.


    I recently read Michio Kakus "Physics of The Impossible" book and in there it says about how we will reach the limits of Silicon computing by the Year 2020 so will not be able to get faster, therefore getting rid of Moore's Law (Moore's law is a rule of thumb in the history of computing hardware whereby the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. Wikipedia). We would have to move onto Quantum Computer.. which right now the development of this is going slow too!


    I do believe that humans are down to this, maybe if we were to spend some more money then we could get Quantum Computing going.



    As for Humans:


    The rate of sceinetific discovery is slowing I believe. I think that this is down to the fact science today is very completcated compared to what was say 100 Years ago. Back then, science was more basic and so were the experiments. The experiements did not require 10,000 workers, kilometers worth of magnets and piping etc etc as it does today. It is now harder to make scientific discoveries and we are not studying the Macroscopic, but things smaller than Atoms and Galazys light years across.


    We may have bitten off more than we can chew... but we may catch up... we may not.



    Some people may disaggre with me. If so I'd like to hear other peoples opinions on this matter!

  8. Hi


    Basically I am on a mission to find papers which are AGAINST Dark Matter (and energy) and which have "scientific facts" behind them which could disprove Dark Mattter.


    I need them to be pretty good papers as I have to write a balenced argument about Dark Matter.


    I have been on a hunt but it is hard to find such things, I have posted on many other Forums but without success. They are very bias and just go "But Dark Matter does exist". Not helpful at all!


    Also, as it is only AS Level, the maths and facts do not have to be completly correct, I will accept papers which may have a slight error, the person who will be marking it will not notice at all and I see understand that there is a massive load of papers for proving dark matter and not as much DISPROVING it (Thats just m,y own personal views, they might be incorrect and if so I apoligse!) Infact, It may be good if I could find a way to show that the paper may be wrong as I can point that out... It may gain me extra marks!


    Thankyou in advance!



  9. Thanks for the really helpful reply! I actually live in the South East, a county called Hertfordshire to be exact, but the festivals you mentioned sound awesome, I may have to go next year. The books you suggested also look good, I may buy both of them, by all means, pleae suggest more, I will probably spend up to 30-40 pounds on books as I am going to Cornwall for a week which is a lot of driving, so books are good! Regarding GCSE questions being dumbed down, I know what you mean, I've the liberty to look at some past chemistry papers, and they're indeed simplified. Seems as if I were to go in depth regarding a question asking the about the process of ionisation by saying about electronegaitvity/electropositivity relative to the periodic table would render useless an infact be considered unrelated! It's silly!


    Ahh yes, I hated the Chemistry Papers for that reason... I found all I really needed to do was to memorise the mark-sceme off by heart! That is truely the best way in learning Science at GCSES it seems... I do not know about A Levels as I am in Year 11... but I'm sure to find out in September what Physics and Chemistry are like at A Level!


    With the Brian Cox book its good, but at first it is hard read so I found that I read each chapter twice sometimes to really take in everything.


    *Tries to think of some more books*

  10. Hi there,


    You said you just started GCSE. To be perfectly honest, you do not really learn much at all about Astrophysics in the course I have found! Although you do learn the basics so for example The Life Cycle Of A Star and the very basics of Fusion and maybe sometimes galaxy formations.


    Since you said you are doing GCSE I'm going to assume youl ive in the UK!


    Although he can be quite tedious at times, Brian Cox's shows are quite good also to watch as it shows graphically the universe and says the basics quite quickly and in ways you will remember. We used ot in GCSE to learn about the Stars.


    Also his book is very good, I suggest you get it. It is this one here : http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Quantum-Universe-Everything-happen/dp/1846144329/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1340265482&sr=8-1



    What I would also say is to go onto iTunes and search up phrases such as "Astrophysics" "Stars" etc. You will find plently of Podcasts and some iTunesU (University lessons) on the various subjects.


    Also, I do hate to bring up Brian Cox again but "The Invinate Monkey Cage" is quite good to listen to. Its on Radio 4 and you can also download it, it talks about many subjects to do with science including Space.


    I do not know what part of country you live in but if you are near the Midlands/ South, Cheltenham has a science festival every year with some VERY good speakers too on topics, for instance, last week I went to a lecture about Dark Matter, it was brillient! (Although you have just missed the festivals!)


    Other books I would recommend are the Stephan Hawking books, they are meant for people without a history in physics so explain things rather well! Here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Brief-History-Of-Time-Black/dp/0857501003/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1340265510&sr=1-3




    A word of warning.


    The problem I faced while doing my Physics and Chemistry GCSE was, even though I was putting a correct answer about topics, These answers seamed to be TOO right for GCSE... if you know what I mean. GCSE dumbs things down so everyone can understand. The things you learn are not nessisarily true! Do not try to complicate things... yet, otherwise you will get marked down! Which I personally thought was stupid... but hey, its not me making the Mark Scemes!

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