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Everything posted by KatzAndMice

  1. CBD not THC is the cancer inhibitor, according to wiki and bazillion leads to what i will only assume are reliable sources show the research and evidence. Though not a cure, it can inhibit and help with side effects from other treatments; in the UK i think we use it as a spray and selectively breed for CBD not THC which means if were to smoke the dried plant, it wouldnt get you very *high* http://en.wikipedia....iki/Cannabidiol enjoy, seems like quite a wonder drug
  2. i joined but team scoring is BS, oh well ill do it anyway for the crack its funny im actually reading up on these challenges instead of completing my software engineering assignment due next friday, ahhhhh thank god i was struggling with one of the workshops already because its similar to what im supposed to be learning right now, A* algorithm to be precise and i thought i had clicked beginner class
  3. Interesting topic, what is the danger you superimpose? check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKxmqMH4w_A
  4. womenz iz crazy anything i say will be totally subjective and presumptuous within my own experience
  5. Because he was the only person i was debating the subject with, just expected who ever gave/gives a negative rep to explain why. The subject matter is irrelevant here but regardless it was only a 2 way debate at the point i got the negative rep which led me to believe thats why i got the negative rep
  6. indeed, or methods / functions mainly for validating purposes, where the said class/method/function might be effected elsewhere and false data shown, such as date validation where we use yyyy/mm/dd instead of yyyy/dd/mm anyway in relation to the topic why are you using a batch file in the first place? you can always change the extension to a random type then people wont be expected to open it. i.e. mygame.bat to eltonjohn.mp8 other than that you can turn your code into something unreadable; only by yourself, such as stupid/backwards variable names and complex looping. ALSO im sure you can password protect files on windows else folders, so ZIP it or such and password the folder...... anyway no offence but if its a batch game NO ONE will want to steal it
  7. perhaps certain area's of the forum shouldnt have rep points? then peoples posts will only be judged on their scientific knowledge rather than political, religious or philosophical opinions i can relate to aethelwulf in so much as i got a negative rep point for a post by almost certainly the same person i was debating with but long *AFTER* i made the post, the person didnt look at the post and decide to neg rep it by its own value, only after discussing the topic with me further, maybe due to my proving him wrong or my absolute lack of knowledge on the subject, either way it seems an outdated post got neg rep due someones distaste in me.... not that i care or would have said anything had it not been for this post but aethelwulf has made a good point of how someones distaste could affect someones reliability in a totally different field
  8. yeh thats all true; our definitions are different and its true you can use technology to enhance efficiency, i just believe it enables more and more people to be lazy where at one time people who are lazy now wouldnt be able to be back then
  9. What about people who drive to a shop that is 5 a minute walk away from their home? not to save time because all they do when they get back is watch TV or play games....no one is suggesting you walk 10 miles to work, there are practicalities but you cant deny that when in certain circumstances humans are prone to subconsciously taking the lazy choice..... Ovcourse there are a great number of advantages that NO ONE is denying as i said im not suggesting anything, you dont need to walk to work or the shop for that matter, its just a fact that technology enables us to be lazy
  10. Lazier than you would be without the technology other people have made for you...YES. I'm not singling you out, its just a fact without technology you, me and everyone in western society (presuming you are ovcourse) would have no choice but to not be lazy, with technology its almost subconsciously obvious what's best / easiest for us. you can only compare relatively, relatively you might be an active person in our society but you can only compare to history and historically speaking technology has made humanity more lazy than it ever has been. The fact that i can sit at home on a PC and build a website or program that can generate enough income for me to go to a store and buy food i had no hand in growing or picking and possibly even enough to buy a house i had no hand in building or gathering resources to build suggests something... Alot of people buy microwave meals or fast food when its healthier and more cost effective to make your own, it just requires a little more work...this is a simple example... Im not simply suggesting COMPUTERS make us lazy, just technology in general...any sort of computational machine will make our mental abilities lazy Your examples somewhat prove my point; You dont Write you read, you dont make music you listen, atleast you cook. Like i said its not a dig at you just a fact of technological evolution, im as bad as anyone with my dependence on technology. its not the plain fact your doing "SOMETHING", more a case of doing something creative or useful i suppose, theres nothing wrong with getting your back massaged all day everyday, thats something, but it could be something less lazy. fast food isnt the only culprit for obesity
  11. They say you reap what you sow, in both a consumer and scientific society its easy to say technology(intelligence) prevails but how much metal have you mined? how many wheels did you design, make and analyse? What raw resources have you taken and turned into something technologically useful? I can only speak on my own behalf but technology is definitely making us lazy... Physically anyway, which i presume was the basis of the thread....
  12. Is it possible to Calculate how much of each chemical construct's the human body. what is the equation of chemicals that make humans? do chemicals = 100%?
  13. Whats the best chemical repellent for bugs such as flies, ant's, slugs, woodlice and so forth. I know you can buy items such as ant repellents but are they the best and what would they comprise of? also, ive been told salt works but is it a multipurpose bug killer / repellent?
  14. Quick, presumably basic question regarding the evolution of a specific species. Why is grass still grass? (and by the same token a single cell organism still single celled organism) Because amirite in presuming the latter in the evolution scale almost inevitably replaces its source. If grass was to evolve and survive why are there no jumanji style things alive?
  15. Interesting topic, i'd also like to learn of the history of chemistry, key characters and breakthroughs etc.... ill start here;
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