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Everything posted by Theresonly1

  1. Any ideas of how to construct an ADT multigraph using JAVA. Recently come across this programming challenge website and found this problem task which thought will train my Java up. Anyway i have the basic ideas of using Nodes & Edges but im confused on how to interact the relationship between the 3 classes.
  2. Hi There... Simply i want to know what is the difference between ADT(Abstract Data types) & Data Structures? With all those years i still get confused between the 2 and cannot distinguish between the 2. I have a list of Computer Science/ Programming terminologies stuff... Can someone help me seperate them? List ArrayList LinkedList Map HashMap TreeMap Set HashSet TreeSet Tree BinaryTree Stack Queue Graphs Tables Arrays and did i miss any
  3. After deciding to learn a new programming language which is C#, i need to know any good C# reference books out there. At the moment i only have the Microsoft Visual C# step - by - step book which i think thats contain a lot of depth detail about visual studio environment and not alot on C# language. So anyone has any idea of good C# reference books i can get?
  4. Hello. Im a computer scientist student in 3rd year uni and soon to be graduated then i'll be a qualified professional computer scientist. I was wondering is it bad or good to just learn/know 1 programming language? Throughout my years in uni so far ive been doing Java as my university is concentrating on Object Oriented. It is therefore my knowledge will be full of Object oriented programming techniques with Java once i leave uni to go out in the big world of working. Then this means in my opinion i will be restricted with just that one skill and knowledge of Java. :-( And when i get a job (hopefully) i will need to learn some new language & concepts (doubt people use java in organisation) totally new all again for that job. Huh..This is mad... looks like the things we learnt in education will go to garbage!!! So after all knowing one language.. I just want to hear view from lots of other people. Feel free to discuss!
  5. I've used quite a few of popular languages. First started off with True Basic then went onto Java. Been doing Java for nearly 2 full years now. I've done quite a bit C and C# plus Visual Basic but only touched them briefly. I think i quite like Java and enjoy the C, C#, Visual Basic Languages. Cheers
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