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The Architekt

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Everything posted by The Architekt

  1. You know I have noticed this really, it seems that "everything" I read on this subject is wayyyyy to much information and or does not really give the basics as with basic algebra and etc...From authors to authors and variables to even more variables...It looks like their is not only one way to do this, leaving this I guess up to super creativity... Thanks! Yes I thought trigonometry was involved with this, but what I read does not really tell you this. Been on this for about 1 year already.. Well about trig: I know about sin, cosine, tangent, co tangent, and secant to co secants. I understand the Pythagorean Theorem very well. I know of f(x) functions and derivatives as x ->0. I understand the distribution laws, commutative laws and other rules of math. About Calculus: I only understand how this applies to f(x) functions. What I am having issues with is not being able to see the entire process or lay out with a numerical representation used in dimensional analysis. Something basic, like a constant used by x and y. The closest I have ever got to see something with numerical values is right here: Relativistic Sinusoidal Wave Function http://www.relativit..._function.shtml de Broglie's Quantum Equations http://www.relativit...equations.shtml Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle http://www.relativit...Principle.shtml The Compton Effect http://www.relativit...on_effect.shtml It actually has numbers in them, and values too, it explains the variables, then gives you number examples... There must be something out there "similar to these links" I can see that can break down dimensional analysis, I just need to find it. Thanks..
  2. hello, what are the best links and or books for someone whom would like to be introduced to dimensional analysis "basic level?" What I would like to find is the position of the electron, please don't laugh, I think it is possible... thanks for your help....
  3. Of coarse, preachers too.... I should have typed this: "The point is when you point the finger at "anyone" especially when you hold positions as a scientist, doctor, leader and etc = [crazy preachers], people follow you... " NOTE: Their are some incredible preachers out there though! Now About scientist: Sigmund Freud, A KNOWN COCAINE ADDICT: Was known to talk badly on the behalf of the African American People and the effects of cocaine use on their brains, Hispanics were not exempt either. In other words, Sigmund Freud said black people and Hispanics were dangerous under this drug called cocaine... ""WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY: What does this have to do with wars??? Plenty keep reading please."" Does Sigmund Freud concept relate to Hispanic and Black crime rate? However, I have seen other races just as "bizarre" on this drug and at that I think cocaine is out of style.... It is things like these I question and seldom understand, AND I AM NOT JOKING. What "I feel" is that this man "CONNECTED" Sigmund Freud created a barrier between two races, white and blacks using --->PURE PERCEPTION... "WHICH NOW BECOMES AN EMINENT WAR" CALLED DISCRIMINATION WHICH = Hate Crimes Deprivation Jim Crows Laws Segregation Police Brutality All creations of the same "root" principle or belief scaled and really bent out of shape. Which in turn also= Gang related turf wars within themselves Violent neighborhoods Misconceived, RAP MUSIC AND HIP HOP MUSIC, labeled all as filled with hate and violent words, not all of them. This is created by "now" the believers, regular people of the world, whom are really not keen to notice where the bias came from. In turn on the business side if it all, we have now video games, music videos, clothes and fashion, propaganda, and psychological tactics aimed at this very tactic that others "to" use as a promotional "theme" that builds up people's responses towards these types of subjects now as "products." Hence: Anger = Action to do something. Now, a large average of people love violence in movies, sex in commercials, sexy clothes, text messages, hook ups, people cheating, living in luxury forgetting about the self, make up, wigs, hair extension, " both men and women." All this is because tactics, such as what scientist such as Sigmund Freud used. Let us face the fact, money is a system that uses people to "deprive others" financially." It is the only weapon in where a human can do the most damage to another human. Lets face it, their maybe nothing we can do about this problem in our time. Changes only happen when one understands their "own political circles" and is able to open up their minds more than just on keeping a great "public status" = the human ego IE: They won't like me anymore and will fire me from my 6 figure a year job If agree that Sigmund Freud was = x x= racist x= woman x=lesbian x= stripper I think you get the point I am trying to make here, just throw some Boolean Operators up in their " get creative" Anyway Human ego, no more fancy cars, no more vacations, no fancy homes and etc = bad "public status" = the human Perhaps maybe this is where Quantum Mechanics Has The Upper Hand On Physics, whom knows........... They look into the hidden forces of nature to explain the why of things versus the what of things... My opinion, and philosophy on Dimensional Analysis: On dimensional analysis. The claim is simple, numbers represent a reality of some sort, a direction in where time is perceived within a system that "will no matter what" remain in one constant direction. This system is thus used like any other system of belief. It has no fertile objective nor structure, it is what you make of it. It is units within units, time within time, and structure within structure. It is the mess and the clean of anything that uses it, and its the only workable "thing" people can use to describe a physical perception due to its relation to leaner methods that describe "Some Type Of Distance." It is like money valid only upon transaction. It is a lie and a truth all in one. It is used by people in this world. Thxs!
  4. Yes I follow, thanks... Observations on physical "things" allowed scientist to make some type of "record." This then become a good way of communication. But in math they are called axioms, rules and etc, the result of thought.. But what I don't get is 'why" math is used at all then... This is where that dictionary comes in, when I read I get confused way to many things out there. Can it be more simpler???? What should I read then???
  5. WOW! what a reply thanks! well I guess in many literature I read on science there is much too consider between the lines and out of the lines, but I will take your advice and try to "question" more things I read and stay on them for a longer period of time. One thing I read much about is The God Particle, Higgs Boson, and The Higgs Field.I think this is where quantum mechanics and phisics clash. Religion was always one to put a good finger on at-least for me, but I know religion and faith are two separate things. Thanks! Ok, I admit this was funny! But I know some 3d artist whom can nails these effects down to realism,,,,,,,,,,,ha! I have seen and even read some scientist in debates about " time travel" god particle, theory of everything, alien life on other worlds, humans are the only race in the universe, selected races, eugenics, population control, the list goes on and on, YES! I know some of these types can be extremist, but it doesn't change the concept here. Yes some but not most think that the belief in god also applies to the bible and its text. This is what confuses me all the time. I have many types of friends of which the bible "condones" for their lifestyles and very often this belief gets in the way of their lives. Nice to know you are a Christian, I get the impression you DON'T BELIEVE that gays and lesbians are NOT loved by god. I this what the Christian Bible Says? There are too many for me to read out there. It can be very confusing, books are read then you gain knowledge from them, but other books can be read then things get weird. Thanks.. The point is when you point the finger at "anyone" especially when you hold positions as a scientist, doctor, leader and etc, people follow you... This is how racial barriers and war are spread, profiling is wrong no matter what resources you have. Leaders should get in the boxing rink if they have issues with each other, leave all others alone. But I KNOW, this will never change. About dimensional analysis, I am not even past basic math to give you an answer, am still learning, but had no idea it was used to prove the falsehood of some weird claim. Can Issac Newton, Albert Einstein be proved wrong then with this type of math????????? If So Then Interesting!!!!!!!! I though it was used to prove a claim. Or is that just complex numbers?? This area I need much work on but am already making much progress. Thanks...
  6. There is no objective, I do not know how to explain things in a scientific way "yet" Since I am at the basic levels of math still, I am only wondering where in "time" do scientist measure things? That's all, plain and simple stuff here. What is the "origin" of time? where is it? can time be touched? is it in the air? under the ground? does it speak? EXAMPLE: On my lap top it "currently" says 9:04 PM. This is coming from the ---------->"lap top." Yes I know it is set this way for the state, country and etc, but this does not apply to the science of "time." Does science have a way "not in the lap top example" to measure time "wherever it is" or "what ever it is." Or does science model time as a man made numerical------->"generalization?" I do not have any other way of asking.. Thanks...
  7. I think what I was confused on was imaginary numbers, and how natural numbers disappear when applied to a complex numbering system for dimensional analysis usage, that's all. These involve polar forms by the way. Is there a webpage that I can see where instead of variables and confusing symbols they have numeral representations??? I have searched and searched , but no luck,,,, Thanks!
  8. I will start my reply with your statement of: I object to this "While on the religion side most scientist denote the existence of god never thinking twice that maybe the belief in god gives someone hope in where, " the leaders" of this world can't." you said: Did it not occur to you that we may well have thought twice about it and come to the conclusion that, since it is a false hope, it is no real hope at all. I say "True" but doesn't money and time spend the same? If one has hope to pay their bills on time, and yet money spends the same "no matter how you earn it" IE, theft, prostitution, hard work, BA etc, then it is no real hope at all to pay your bills on time and live legally or illegally, within the psychology of belief. It's like love, once you know they have been cheating on you, it becomes an issue within the psychology of belief. So what you are saying is that E=mc squared had nothing to with the atom bomb? When I say bomb, I refer to the hydrogen atom bomb chemistry, I should have stated this sorry. However it is fact that the hydrogen atom was extensively studied in elementary physics? http://library.think...71F/atohyd.html Nuclear Fusion too? http://library.think...71F/fusion.html You stated this: I think it's certain that at least some of those involved were religious. But is this fact?????? You also stated this: You might want to look to the Middle"east for other examples: To me its Racist and Profiling To do so, let alone a waste of tax dollars. Supposedly they found none. http://www.iraqwar.org/adminlies.htm But, In the cartoon "Popeye" the bad guy was always portrayed as a brown skin looking middle eastern person. Movies such as Die Hard also portrayed the bad guy as a brown skin looking middle eastern person. Video games are another example in where brown skinned people are either basket players, thieves and etc. Which to me is advocating racial barriers in the world, and these these groups were not religious at all at least in technical terms. Here read it for yourself: United States Congress Apology on African Slavery and Jim Crows Laws. http://www.mcclatchy...avery-just.html You also stated this: "Maybe science and or school was too difficult for the believer Again: Jim Crows Laws & Racial Barriers Coupled with The price tag of school in general? Student Loans on the up-rise http://www.christian...xpensive-72351/ You stated this: Plenty of people find happiness in a whiskey bottle. That doesn't make drunkenness a good thing. So why is it a valid reason to support religion? No valid support at all, both religion and science may be the same as dimensional analysis in where natural units disappears. You stated this: Similarly, if you think that hate isn't a feature of religion then you have not been paying attention. But, I am confused on this one, did you just recommend me this: You might want to look to the Middle"east for other examples: Is this a valid statement to have speculations on brown skinned people? Perhaps in the darkness as in all fields related to the unknown hidden forces of nature, we can find something else of illumination. May this be god, the devil, new discoveries, and or wisdom. Thanks for the reply... Why build it? Because the enemy was thought to be building one. One thing that I have always held respect for is for the incredible mind's of scientist as I and the world look up to you all for what religion, rumor and or 'trends" cannot tell us about the world we live in from the physical perspective.. However, I do find it a very shame that science at times makes mistakes. Is this wrong to think at my basic levels of science understanding? IE no formal education yet. In our recent times still animals are victims of scientific experiment. Surly if placing a "person" on the moon is possible, then testing on "cloned organic specimens" or something like that, may also be possible in where any life form can be spared.... To think of science as "god" such as the "god" particle and or theory of everything, must at least to "some" degree hold validity in the science world as a religion onto themselves.. GOD PARTICLE SAID BY THE SCIENCE WORLD http://www.ndtv.com/...ent-soon-238372 Although this may be wrong of me to think, from what I read and listen to, at times scientist think they know it all, and leave all other sources of experiment invalid while not in the domains of science itself --->same as religion does. On the notion of thought to be believed based on scientific fact, should have scientist "based on fact" build this bomb, versus belief? Is this the same pattern that causes religion to also follow the same pattern of scientist as well in belief systems of anykind?
  9. Why do scientist, religion and quantum physicist talk bad about each other?? I have read over and over again about how quantum physicist and regular physicist are always in debates about the quantum of action this, and derivatives that.... While on the religion side most scientist denote the existence of god never thinking twice that maybe the belief in god gives someone hope in where, " the leaders" of this world can't. Take this away from the believer in god, they may end up an abuser "again", a hater "again" etc.. Maybe science and or school was too difficult for the believer, so they chose an idolization such as god to have something to believe in. Maybe those whom believe in god like homosexuals, lesbians, abused women, foster children, minorities and etc, were never "welcomed" in this world, made fun of , placed as slaves, irraticated from the face of this world, had "laws" against them and etc. And maybe now this god gives them inspiration. Is it not science that created the atom bomb? Did it not displace thousands of "innocent lives?" Is it not the belief in god that can transform a drug abuser into a new person by pure faith alone? Would anyone that believes in god, create an atom bomb? Does math not give science a way to measure things? Does "strong nuclear forces" keep the entire universe together? Why are singularities? versus what are singularities. The point is that anything intangible can be used either for good and or for bad.. In some moments in my life, I question rather if science is for me because their is so much fact, fiction and conspiracy that is tagged along with it.. What is the point of proving anything anyway? Is it a noble piece prize? power? control? Surly if reward was not granted, their would be no need for biases within these categories of: Scientist, Religion and Quantum Theory Well, just a thought here, thanks if you read this...
  10. Although I am still at the elementary levels of science, I believe that "singularities" were created to keep the harm that human beings create "for themselves" out of the barriers of the universe... I truly believe that "something" knew that mankind one day would discover things about the atom and at that, humans have already created much damage in this world as we see. Radiation is everywhere causing people to be sick, killing wild life and animals, "INNOCENT VICTIMS." From pollution to even an economy system that is ruled by numbers, greed lies and etc... All these things were created by scientist, mathematicians, philosophers and even 'religion." Animals that get tortured by scientific experiments to even starvation, and deprivation on other "selected" races"".... From "NUCLEAR WARS", to the very creation of the internet that now serves as a system ruled by lies, anyone can be anyone now! The point here is that "something" keeps humanity at a distance of true knowledge and escape from their creation, in this case the harnessing of the atom....I know some may get offended when I say, but from what I gather, science still has no clue about the scale of this earth, what the size of the universe is, nor do they have any clue in where exactly time references "everything." I was told to admit when I was wrong about anything that came out of my mouth, with the current events in the world, I think it is time for the "world" to admit that we need god now more than ever before and perhaps science needs an entire upgrading system in where more theories can be accepted and or proven.
  11. thanks Big Nose this makes more sense, I guess without integral concepts "then" science would be lost or have problems as to how to model an event??? Can scientist use any other forms "without numbers" to revolutionize the world? Thanks for the reply. Yes, both bound vectors and control volume did answer my question about 1, and 0.5. I know how busy life is, so thanks and I will study these two subjects for some time.... I never even knew about bound vectors and control volume until now.
  12. Opps thanks! I googled control volume: http://en.wikipedia..../Control_volume But it refers more to gasses than solids like mass. I then googled euclidean vector: http://en.wikipedia....uclidean_vector Both seem to be related in a sense and exactly what I would love to know about copies and or duplicates when it involves natural units and complex numbers as in polar forms. For example only here: If a car starts at 1 mile and travels for 10 miles, is the car's initial starting point of origin from its mass of 1/2 = .5 of a ratio? or 1 second in time? In other words does (1 starting point) of 1 second = 1/2 of the car's center of mass as in gravity and or "constant velocity?" as in particles that have integer spin 1/2, and seem to have a type of precession to them. I assume that these particles "electrons" are the ones with the integer spin 1/2 but not sure, because photons are mass-less from what I know... My aim is wanting to know if time is constant because of the 1/2 = .5 of a complete ratio, as in .5 gamma I think or .5 the speed of light, which is also 1/2.. When I say "ratio" here I mean 1/2 of the center of "any" mass, in where time starts "relative" within that domain at .5 I hope this makes more sense
  13. I have seen in a video on 3d modeling for games, that when you copy a 3d mesh with an Array Modifier, that every copy is relative to the initial start position of the original object being copied....and that every movement thereof is relative to the original copied object's "point of origin in this case x. Since " in 3d" the origin is smack in the center of XYZ in which your 3d model is positioned "at the start of assigning a primitive cube", then should relativity take place at 1/2 of "ANY" object's size, when "copies" or duplicates are involved? In other words, if you measure "something" don't you have to start it at 1/2 of its size not the initial start position of 1? I know for a fact that everything has a mass and this mass thus has a center of origin. If this is so, then time should be measured at the 0 point of origin not 1, but am I wrong? I must be.. Derivatives places as x -->0, because if it is infact 0 then this becomes "undefined." If then this is true, then .5 must represents 1 as a ratio that in-turn starts at 1 all over again, representing zero of all ratios involved while in position in space and time, in this case x y z or 360 degrees. This may not be the correct method in explaining this, but something about .5 , 1/2 and 360 degrees seem to be all related to "nothingness" and or gravity. Thanks hope you respond
  14. ok, thanks for the information, I really learned something these past few days that will help me in the future,,have a great day!
  15. So the complex numbering system and the quanternions seems to be a cross product of some sort, in where one matrices remains stationary and the other moves in time?... You see in video games I see the same thing, in where the grid floor of my 3d program is stationary and allows all other 3d game models to move around and about. The grid that remains stationary helps me to position my 3d models in empty space and model them with translation of x y and z much like how you explained doing this with the translations, rotations and scaling tools in the 3d program. I think the numbering theory must predict the cooridentes of my movements before hand when I create 3d game models and thus allows the program to work with my movement in 3d creation of game worlds and models etc. Without this grid I would be lost in the 3d program. The same is also for texturing the game models to. You have a uv map coordinate image by an even square size, ie 450x450 for the texture that you place on the game model. I am using logic here , if this is so the case, and the texture map is squared, then this must be true for the Y direction for relativity. Y then must be squared! Its the same for 3d game models and their position in time and space in the 3d world via the texture uv map coordinate, just like photons particles that do not move in time but move in space time?? But it is a flat texture map with x and y or i and j, when you are creating the texture map in a graphics program you then place this on the game model and it wraps around the game mode in 3d space because of the previous UV unwrapping of the 3d game mesh or model, here is an example: http://en.wikipedia....Texture_mapping Things like this amaze me very much! Since t = the person in the refference frame and t represents y, could this also be another way to express quanternions.. L = some wave length L * x = A L * y squared= B 1/ A+B = -1 OR +1 not sure.. Where A = i B =j Or better yet 1/ A*B = 2 Or Maybe this L / A*B =1 I am still learning Latex so please excuse, not even sure if this makes sense, but I do understand what you are saying though I just need to practice more and study more. This here is just an idea I have for now, where the constant of 2 takes care of the radius and diameter I talked to you about earlier in this post. Thank you so much your explanations was incredible better than my teachers!!!!!!!, I hope to be smart like this.... I am hoping to get into the wave function soon, but this may not be for some time.
  16. But I have heard about how quanternion mathimatics breaks the laws of commutative, associative and distributions in I think algebra? In where [math]\frac{1}{2} x = \frac{1}{2}(x' + t)[/math] does not hold? i think.... http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Quaternion From what I know and read, it allows more calculations far more advanced than derivitives. Also, I have always wondered about mathimatical induction as well as in: 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + n = ½n(n + 1) http://en.wikipedia....tical_induction n in this case starts all over again as 0.5 or 1/2.... Could there be a system un accounted for that does use 0.5 as an initial start as 1 intrigal for time. Like the polor coordinate system as degrees and or ratios? All this reminds me of spin 1/2 particles, but then their it gets very complex for me. I love the belt trick though also has quenternion relation! Awesome! http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~hansona/quatvis/Belt-Trick/index.html I just have so many questions and would love to know so many things all at once.. By the way excellent example about the light photon thanks! You are a very smart person....
  17. wow! this now makes sense thanks!, but what if [math]x = x'+t[/math] needs to be divided by 2? In other words an equal length represents a diameter too is this right?, then divide this by 2 you have a radius right? Could it then be used like this [math]x'+t / [1 / x'+t / 2] [/math] What I am thinking here is that [math]x = x'+t[/math] = the metric or i think something called k like a diameter or secant line. By the way, I copied the latex format from you, I hope I did this right, I am still learning. Sorry if this makes no sense, I just cant stop thinking about the reason why time has any role in this...Time as in the man made time clock's of the world, not the speed of light... Thanks!
  18. Yes I "think" this may be what I was trying to express, but am not quite as strong as professionals here when it comes to the "technical explanations." For instance, in the question that Big Nose asked me "what is a 1 kilometer plus 12 milliseconds?" What goes through my mind is this: Every unit length within 1 kilometer, rather it be, millimeters, micro meters and etc represents increments of time as 1 second or 1 microsecond and etc like a doubling effect or inverse square law that measures flux. I think it represents 1 I have read about in where Max Planck found his constant used in I think "black body radiation?" His unit represent 1 but is not written as 1. Here is more on his discovery: http://en.wikipedia....Planck_constant Anyway, I think that when derivatives are taken what is really going is defining zero empty space so that the equation is defined, hence as delta x -->0. So that maybe dx/dt = [some number] * [time itself] = your time---> "coordinate squared." This is where I made the mistake of x+t, I should have meant x+y = metric * time = space time coordinate tensor. But again, I may be wrong. Also, I think that a metric is constant, it does not change the secant line length. What I see is this metric and or secant line moving around like in a 3d spherical shape body as this space time coordinate at the very tip is the electron. This 3d spherical shape body is thus encapsulated within the domain of relative time to " what ever is being calculated for a derivative." Then what I see is this: secant line length + [time = 0] = tangent = 1 = Max Planck number. I see this much in 3d video games. Thanks.. t Is this how the wavefunction is used? Do they use the speed of light as a base number, and multiply all else from there? thanks..
  19. HA! Saw it! NICE! YES! this must be it YAY!! THANKS! Am not really familiar with digital cams but thought this was a phenomena, wow my quick mind, HA!, but it is good to ask, I learn much here, THANKS
  20. WOW! I was wrong, I always thought that x = length, and t = the time it takes to get to that length.. I am very frustrated now, Hymm,, is there any possible way please that you can break down what you mean by this? what is: units of length in the x direction what is: units of time And how do professional scientist use them?? Can you please show me a numerical representation, something that has numbers, so I can look and see where I make mistakes most. Thanks for the reply Sir.
  21. Why Does My Magnifying Glass Not Work Infront Of My Camera? Hello, I was taking photos of some antique earnings but since they are rather small, 5 centimeters in length, I bought a magnifying glass to ensure that my DIGITAL CAMERA took crystal clear images with the best resolution. When I placed the magnifying glass in front of the earnings so to enlarge them, I then placed my digital camera infront of the magnifying glass to take the photos of the earrings... I noticed in the LCD screen of the digital camera, that the earnings "looked the same" rather with a magnifying glass or not.. I tweaked the shutter speed and aputure, set the digital camera to manual mode and played with all the other settings, and nothing changed. At first I thought it was because of some type of interference with the camera's zoom options. I have never seen this before and was wondering if professional scientist here know why this is please, or maybe this is a new discovery and can help scientist find other things in the world of photography! I do not want to mention the brand here in public, all I can say is that it is a high end brand... Thanks In Advance, hope you reply...
  22. thanks, gonna try it out ASAP, but for now to answer Big Nose's questions about my post here. This is what I think the variables and units should be for x and t: here is what I think my answer should be. I am going to do this in latex, but at least I tried to answer the questions either they are right or wrong because I know it will take me some time getting used to proper terms and science skills ha! (x = 0)=(x = 100 ft)= x = (100 - 0) = 100 ft (t = 0)= (t = 2 min) t = (2 - 0) = 2 min (v) = (100 - 0)/(2 - 0) = 100 ft/2 min = 50 ft/min Applying my formula to 50 ft/min should = 0.001*10e-2 = 0.0001 ft/min, this is where I think light does not exist at all. BUT let me get latex to create a better professional looking formula.. THNX!
  23. I know the road ahead for me is going to be exciting, long and a challenging at any age I become, because I am very stubborn with my self, but open minded to learn anything that can help me understand "for me at-least" the most difficult thing of this world...And that is what is really time? whom made me? what is the purpose my life? I think science holds the answers because my parents tell me it was all created by god, but whom created god then? No one can tell me at all... I hawover, do belive we have a creator, I just don't know who that "really is." They tell me I think too much,, HA! Thanks Sir.....
  24. yes already someone here told me about Latex for professional looking math formulas, I had no idea about this, now I am going to learn this, and hopefully explain many things much better about time because I have always questioned what is time "really relative to" and another is that I "think" a tensor has two sides. Because I saw this comb and water experiment and how negative electrons from someone's hair made water bend when the comb was placed next to the running water... Using pure logic I said, the water is trying to follow space time curvature in circles like half of bubbles floating on water but following the curvature of water waves kinetic energy! I said this must be what time is relative to, it is 1/2 of time in itself! But I may be wrong. To visualize this model I created this example here, I still am working on how to scientifically have this understandable. But here it is anyway.. [-e] = a negative electron from the water "Dynamic Electricity" [+e] = positive electron from the "dry" comb "Static Electricity" The numbers of 1 2 3 4 5 etc, are all hours or time or even seconds connected to the + and - electrons, only every other one is + or negative. Time is constant I think and is moving kinetic energy from the - and + electrons within its domain of precession, I think. 1[-e] + 2[+e] + 3[-e] + 4[+e] + 5[-e] + 6[+e] + 7[-e] + 8[+e] + 9[-e] + 10[+e] + 11[-e] + 12[+e] = 1/2 I think this may be why the comb made that water kinda curve but in a reverse way like pulling it in the opposite direction. Now in regards to the above i think this is why derivitves always = 0, hence comb and water were side by side.. I read something similar here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permittivity Something about Permitivty Convergence. I need to learn latex ASAP! Thanks! uMM, I didn't see the video, looks a bit to scary LOL! but thanks you win #1 for the best example
  25. thanks! I read about how light sabers in the movie Stars Wars in real life was impossible. spinning mirror technique , WAS AWSOME THANKS! printed the page....
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