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    Quantum mecanics

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  1. Thank you so much for your answer! the fact that 2.06 is not acetone makes more sense ! I integrated the spectrum assuming that the acetone peak was 6 protons, which gave me the 2 proton value for the aromatic ring shifts, but I suppose all my integrations are actually divided by two; that would seem more logical... I did the integration on another spectrum which I didn't think to scan, sorry... So the acetone peak is not an acetone peak but possibly a CH3 peak!) I know that my 13C spectra is pretty bad, but you said that I should see quaternary carbons? I read somewhere that you can't see them on a 13C spectra... how can I tell if they're quaternary? And my solvent is CD3CN because my compound wouldn't dissolve in CDCl3 or D2O... Ah and a bit of background on my compound: all the 2nd year chemistry students in our university are given a few mg of an unknown compound at the end of the year and have to learn to use the different analysis machines to identify what it is, and we have to do a presentation about our compounds tomorrow... So I know my compound is pure. But I don't have the slightest clue as to where it's from or what it possibly could be. It's a white cristalline solid, adn it doesn't smell of anything. As for the HSQC, HMQC and COSY, I also thought that the missing peaks were strange. Yes I did do two measurements at different times. The first time I just did a proton nmr and a 13c nmr, and the second time I re-did the proton nmr (which came out a bit different to the first), 13c, and I did all the 2D spectra... Like you said, the peaks in the two H-NMR have different chemical shifts (I noticed that earlier in my second H-NMR) and there are peaks missing in the 2D spectra... But I'm pretty new to all this; I have no idea why the two measurements are different... And thanks for pointing out my mistake in the COSY spectra, I'll connect the peaks properly this time As for the mass spectra, yes it's from a GC-MS run, I don't think that the university has an LRMS machine (and if it did I don't think that the students would be allowed to use it haha). But I'll just forget about the mass spectra, because like you said, there are so many peaks at the base line and I'm not even sure my molecule has a molecular ion peak... And I don't know if it's heat sensitive, I didn't test its melting point or anything... Thank you so much for your help! I think I'll be able to figure out what my molecule is and actually have something to present tomorrow haha (I'd pretty much given up and resigned myself to failure...) edit: Been stuck for 4 hours now... I still can't find out what the molecule is
  2. Hi, I'm a chemistry student and I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how to interpret NMR spectra... We were given an unknown molecule that we have to identify. I have done 13C , 1H, COSY, HQMC and HSQC nmr measurements and also an infrared spectra and mass spectra... and even with all these I can't figure out what my molecule is!! Here are the spectra: http://s294.photobuc...14/freya-freya/ So far from the 1H and 13C I think I have 6 carbons and 14 hydrogens, and I think there might be an N in there somewhere... But the mass says 387.1 (?!?!) (and I'm not even sure that's my base peak - how can you tell which peak is the base peak anyway?). I think the infrared shows an NH and a C=CH2 at around 3000cm-1.. Also, there are a few peaks in the H nmr spectrum around 7... I thought those were aromatic ring shifts, but integration says that they're CH2 groups... I just have no idea how to figure out its structure... I've spent about 3 whole days non stop trying to understand the spectra and I'm not getting anywhere... Some help would be appreciated if anyone has time to spare... Thanks!
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