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Everything posted by Jumanah

  1. 1-Prozac: Choose 1-4 to assign the priorities. Priority of CH2CH2NHMe is (..3....) . Prioirty of H is (..4...) . Priority of O-Ph-CF3 is (...1...) Priority of Ph is (..2....) 2- Efavirenz: Choose 1-4 to assign the priorities. Priority of C-(part of benzene) is (...4...) . Prioirty of C-(part of triple bond) is (...3...) . Priority of CF3 is(..2...) . Priority of O-C=O is (...1..) Hope I'm doing right
  2. ABSOLUTE CONFIGURATION: THE R/S SEQUENCE RULES All I know is that we need a system to unambiguously name and distinguish an enantiomer of a chiral compound from its mirror image. We use the system developed by the chemists Cahn, Ingold and Prelog, which is known as the R/S system. First Step is ranking the four substituents around the asymmetric carbon atom as 1, 2. 3 and 4, in the order of decreasing priority. Priority is established by the use of sequence rules. Substituent 1 has the highest priority > 2, > 3 and 4 the lowest priority. Second Step is finding the position of molecule such that the group of lowest priority is pointing away from you. This process results in two, and only two, possible arrangements of the remaining substituents. - By definition if the direction of travel 1->2->3 is clockwise (right turn) then the configuration of the asymmetric centre is R (Rectus) - By definition if the direction of travel 1->2->3 is anticlockwise (left turn) then the configuration of the asymmetric centre is S (sinister) I've understood what's written above but I can't apply it when I've been given examples Thanks
  3. Hey there, I've tried doing these questions but it seems that I've some difficulties to work them out Could anyone please help me !!? Thanks a lot For the two compounds below, determine the order of priority of the substituents at the asymmetric centre and determine if it's R or S 1-Prozac: Choose 1-4 to assign the priorities. Priority of CH2CH2NHMe is (......) . Prioirty of H is (.....) . Priority of O-Ph-CF3 is (......) Priority of Ph is (......) 2-Efavirenz: Choose 1-4 to assign the priorities. Priority of C-(part of benzene) is (......) . Prioirty of C-(part of triple bond) is (......) . Priority of CF3 is (.....) . Priority of O-C=O is (.....)
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