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Everything posted by Chiroguy

  1. I couldn't make a blanket statement like that.. Beta blockers are indicated in an acute situation if there is htn and tachycardia, +TropI's, on non-Q wave EKG changes, but a nitride is a better choice since it increase renal bloodflow, I am a firm non-believer in cookbook medicine as with CHF the underlying cause needs to be identified and controlled. Is it renal induced, Na+, Diet induced or is it cardiomyopathic akenisis of the Left Ventricle. Best left to be pondered by cardiologists.
  2. Caffine is a diuretic.... It causes vasodilitation of the afferent renal arteriols and therfore incresase both hydrostatic and oncotic pressure within the glomerulous causing the increased amounts of fluid to be osmotically passed into the collecting ducts into the ureters into the bladder through the urethra and then into the toilet. End of story. I just proved a ninth-grader wrong
  3. No chiropractic education/school is science based as it is based on th subluxation which has not been scientifically proven. There is not nor ever has been any scientific basis for chiropractic. If anyone can site any scientific journal that gives concrete proof how chiropractic works, please do so..... you will make 60,000 or so quacks happy.
  4. That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. When I went to NYCC the passing grade was 76%, but that is all relevant as copies of tests were available at the "Copy shop" a store in town that catered to NYCC students. They sold copies of tests and notes. Cheating was also rampant.
  5. watch this video from PBS.. http://www.pbs.org/saf/1210/video/watchonline.htm scroll down to the episode "adjusting the joints"
  6. NOT recommend a beta-2 blocker for heart failure if the patient had a history of smoking.... Beta blockers are for hypertension and not heart failure, also contraindicated for anyone with COPD. Ever hear of Natracor??? Ask one of your NYCC instructors to show you a subluxation in a cadaver or on an x-ray?? Then come back with this BS. Ask Dr. Raj to show you his License to practice medicine in the United States. He is an MD right??? Read up on cult indoctrinations and then think abou it in Dr. Russ Ebbets technique I class. Not real doctors? I would match my knowledge (post graduation) against that of any MD, for any illness, and the right modality to treat the disease with You are so far gone. MD's get all the anatomy you do, but in two semesters, not three tri-mesters. They rotate through all medical feilds, they complete 1 year of internship, and 2+ years of residency.... You will graduate never seeing anyone with an acute MI, hemmoragic bleed, no skin disorders, etc., etc., etc., AND YOU WILL THINK YOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE------ YOU ARE PROOF THAT THIS PROFESSION IS A FALLACY ---- WHY WAS HARVY LILLARD -D.D. PALMER EXPERIENCE NEVER N - E - V - E - R REPLICATED????????
  7. CHIROPRACTIC IS PURE CRAP. I am a chiropractor trying to work of 100K in school loans. It is based on fallacies. Complete garbage D.D. Palmer was a grocer who made inappropriate cause-effect relationships.. visit this site: http://chirotalk.proboards3.com/index.cgi
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