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Everything posted by bazakony

  1. First of all , i want to advise you that this is just my imagination runing wild and probably you guys will lagh at it. But i fell't a tipe of evrika moment from the few i know about the univers , it made sens like this from what i had the chance of seeing on documentarys and i wanted to shear it , for disproof , comments i dono ...Ps sorry for my abouse on the english language , i am from Romania Mabie black matter really exist and when its not obersved from a proper distance it dosint beacom reality and when its not reality we don't see it, its mass is still ther acting on the galaxys , ther for , when its not observerd its not ther but ther is black matter just waiting to beacome reality. and the things we don't see may just be a process of einstains laws of fizics bending the fabric of speace-time so hard that black matter can in fact be 100.000 bilion light years away , but the gravitational pull on the galaxys will still be activ to extrimly big proportions beacose of the shear mass evenly distributed around the edges of the univers like wall if you will, on the side's of the univers, and it might be equal to absolut zero making the gravitation revers its self actualy making the dark matter spin around the univers spining evrything inside in oposet directions like a gigant quantum computer dose. managing to be in 2 places in the same time therfore actualy giving the galaxys ther shape thru gravity , and never existing more then nanoseconds beacose it keeps spining around in the oposet direction of matter and it gets accelerated to over the speed of light sending it back to the the outher walls of the univers by bending the spece time fabric ( and thats olso why we can't get a true vacume in space ) . Hidrogen when at absolut zero turns into Metalic Hidrogen witch shows a tipe of antygravity efect actualy proving that the the edges of the univers dosint pull on it anymore and geting difrent proprieties to the gravity pull. and the dark matter is really metalic hidrogen das understanding wher the absolut zero limit comes from ( from the edge of space )and wher the dark matter comes from. it might evan be that we are a bublle in a series of inifint bubbles of dark matter and normal matter unfolding like a union. this might olso answer wher gravity comes from , it might come from the extreme realtivity between the dark matter and the normal matter beacose evan do metalic hidrogen has more mass then normal matter , normal matter has more enrgie then metalic hirogen ( dark matter ). and this olso proves the Membrains Theory , thru it explaining the big bang , black holes in the center of galaxys have a part in it to , they night just turn back normal matter , into dark matter das proving what i just sayd .
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