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Miss Wiz

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Quantum Mechanics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Every day spyman we are all exposed to .2 V/m electrosmog from radio towers every single day. For those of us who have a lot of electronic equipment in our home, or live in an apartment surrounded by neighbors who watch cathrode ray televisions and computer screens, powerlines running in to the roof, etc, the ambient radiation can reach 1 V/m which drastically effects the ability to use our cognitive functions. The device that I am designing is meant to assist everyone in the vicinity from suffering these effects, especially that of the 60Hz that the electrical companies insist to alternate our current at. Every day we are exposed to 20 hertz scalar waves which are modulated over the 1000mhz cellphone signals, causing distress during labor, laziness, and apathy. I have a masters degree from MIT, I have 10 years working experience in applied extra-dimensional research and the extra-dimensional aspect of the human being, and I can tell you that scalar waves are only dangerous when they brainwave frequency they induce causes people to hate their lives to the point that they decide to end it. I do not want that for my children, or any other human being on this planet. If I could afford it ( I am working a waitress position right now until I get a better job ) I would paint this whole place up with conductive paint, rip out the carpet and turn this whole apartment into a faraday cage to shield my babies from those who have no regard for us "worthless eaters". Though I really do thank you for your concern. I did not mean to sound so overly defensive, I am just really passionate about wanting things to be in harmony with nature, where is the aristocracy prevents us from taking control of the problem no matter how hard we try. I think that a door with hinges on the front of the cage would be the best solution, I sort of figured it out after I posted last night, the problem is mainly the big slits in the screen... Though the question still remains, will 1mm aluminum window screen block out microwaves? If not, it is not worth proceeding in this endeavor. And is there a way to check for resistance to ground, and does the resistance to ground effect the cages ability to shield? And does conductivity of the door need to be connected on all sides so long as the gap is less than a centimeter? Or would this cause leakage?
  2. Greetings science girls and guys. I just had a question about solving the problems with my newly constructed faraday cage, trying to be a frugal as possible to still afford to feed my children. I will start by outlining the problem, followed by the intended solution, and the 'Fail Day' results: I have been working on constructing a harmonic scalar wave generator in hopes of being able to manipulate my brain wave patterns and force theta or beta wave patterns at will. The device is constructed and it seems to have some effect but the chaotic energy field that it emits is clashing with the low frequency scalar waves that ride the microwave transmissions from the cell towers. The dissonance resulting in the brain being confused and causing severe mood swings. I then postulated the idea of building a grounded faraday cage to contain my chaotic field within the parameters of the box, as well as keep out all microwaves, scalar waves, and any other conflicting RFI/EMI/Cosmic Radiation. A big docket for this ingenious invention. So I set out on finding materials that a single mom and her two sons could fit in the budget. The store had 25 feet by 4 feet of aluminum window screen. My initial reaction was excitement as the price was only $20, far less than I had been expecting to see. I went to the budget discard wood section and got some lumber to build a 4³ foot box. I tested the ground using a lightbulb, which glowed at about half its normal intensity which tells me that the ground line that I ran out the window into the earth is not efficient, but should suffice. I surrounded all 6 sides with the mesh and then cut a slit from top to bottom on one of the sides so that I could enter it. The outcome was far less thrilling than the whole building process. I tossed a battery power radio into the cage and crossed my fingers. The radio kept playing as if nothing had even happened. Which of course means that my cell phone was not even hindered by the cage. The only solution that I can think of right now is to buy some aluminum foil and cover the whole thing in that too, however it will be dark in there, and it was intended to be my mediation location in the end. But the biggest problem that I do not have a solution for is how to make a door on it that will keep out all the 'noise' while keeping this project on the cheap. I do not have a camera, or I would upload a picture of it as it is right now. But the screen's holes is about 1 millimeter wide. While I have a basic grasp of this area of physics, please enlighten me as to any flaws in the design of my cage, or my intended solution. Humbly yours, Larinn K.
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