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Everything posted by Dr_Freak

  1. Thank you for understanding, I have moved this from "General Sciences" to the "Homework" section due to it being a more homework relevant question. Would you be able to help me answer what our sun is made of? I understand our sun is composed of 90% hydrogen and 8% helium. However what makes up the remaining 2%? And where did these come from?? Thank you once again!!
  2. My apologies It was a Urgent Question Sincerely Dr_Freak
  3. Thank you for your help everybody
  4. Thank you Thales for your prompt reply. My Last question that I was interested in is "In the proton - proton cycle there are 2 forms of helium. Helium-3 and helium-4. Refering to the atomic structure, What is the difference between these two forms of helium???" Thank you online helpers
  5. My gratitude to all those who have helped me in my few questions. Does anybody know "5 effects of Black Holes." This could be a little tough!! Thanks, Dr Freak
  6. Another question in which I was interested in is "In the proton - proton cycle there are 2 forms of helium. Helium-3 and helium-4. Refering to the atomic structure, What is the difference between these two forms of helium???" Thank you online helpers
  7. Hi Would anybody please help me answer in a paragraph or so "What StarDust is?" I don't mean the spaceship, or any business. Your help is appreciated
  8. Your prompt answers are much appreciated There was a question about 3 pieces of evidence for the Big Bang Theory I searched Google only to find Essays of writing. I was wondering if anybody had any information on this to help me obtain the answer. Thanks Dr Freak
  9. Thank you for your answers to the above question. My next question is: In the proton - proton cycle there are 2 forms of helium. Helium-3 and helium-4. Refering to the atomic structure, explain the difference between these two forms of helium. Thank you, your help is appreciated
  10. I wanted to know why Hydrogen Fusion is sometime called a proton in the nuclear fusion reaction, in general. Thank you
  11. Hi Im new Why is hydrogen nucleus also referred to as a proton in the nuclear fusion reaction? Thanks A lot, and look forward to meeting you all Dr_Freak
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