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Everything posted by icedragonw1

  1. oops this is my failed one here's how it works as your body sends signals down the spinal cord it creates a stronger eletical feild which can be mesured. cathadode rays move away when this happens. the system to deferenciate fires a signal throughout a "layer" of the spinal cord. All electrical nerves become uncharged and all other become charged then the system registers signal almost instantly. then the all ready sent electircal pulse "resets" the nerves back to there orginal state just a instant ago with these signals you let them go or inttercept or even send stimli to input nerves. So when the next "scanner" signal comes out to hit the next layer it will also send out two signals the first will stimulate the nerve the second will be slightly shorter and will hit all but the "wanted" nerve the instant after the signal. or the intercept between the "scanner" signal and the "reset" where it will do the same thing a stimli but when the "reset" comes down it will decharge the nere instead of recharge it. basicly this will give you the ability to create a virual world fulll with taste, touch,smell, sight, etc.
  2. This invention called the nero net is the accumulation of a year of thought and research. Many problems I have solved but many more unforeseen problems will most likely occur with something as advanced as this. The basic Idea is to hook up an EMG, TENS and AMS system. And synchronize them to send receive and intercept electrical signals form the spinal cord with no invasive surgery. This would create the holy grail of virtual reality. The EMG is used for receiving signals. The EMG today has problems with differentiating muscle signals from one another. The problem is that the EMG has no depth making all signals run into one another. Creating one large signal instead of individual ones. Solution is quite simple you increase the positive flow just slow enough that the system can register the last signal. Using capacitators to slow down the positive charge. You increase the positive charge therefore the range. And minus the new charge (increasing the charge because of distance from the electrode) by the last charge and graphing the ever increasing hemisphere. You can create a 3 dimensional map of the spinal cord and monitor it in real time. TENS and AMS system use electrical pulses to stimulate nerves in the spinal cord my theory is that though the width and amplitude of the electrical pulse you could create any type of stimuli from freezing to burning. A problem is that this is hemisphere which creates problems because you will "hit" unwanted nerves. To solve these problems you employ that if to waves are out of sync they will cancel each other out. This actually solves two problems the first is that now you can hit a deep nerve and stopping the other nerves from creating unwanted sensations. The other is that many muscle movements you do not want to happen if someone was in this virtual reality you do not want them walking jumping ect.. So to stop these muscles from moving you calculate the time when, where, length and the strength of the pulse. Counteract the pulse with an equal pulse that will cancel each other out. And then using the other pulses to stop any nerves form sending an unwanted signal. just remember I gave myself a online crash course instead of formal training if there are any experts in the feild can you tell me if this is possible??
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