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Everything posted by Jewelianne

  1. I joined because of this topic. I have been afraid to tell my doc what is going on because I think I am going crazy, now I think that maybe I am not. For awhile now I don't sleep well at night. I am tired all day and when I sit my head nods a lot or my eyes will get heavy. No biggie. But I think I may be micro sleeping because I will be watching a program on T.V. with my son and I kind of am paying attention and then a loud noise will bring me suddenly to full attention and then I will see someone doing something in the show and somehow I am remembering things about them that never happened in the film but it was like I was there to see all these other things happen. It happens all the time. My mind fills in details everyday of things that happen no matter where I am or where I go if I have to sit and wait or even drive and then when I recall them people look at me like I'm nuts. I wonder if I am just dozing and I am daydreaming while including my scenery in it. Is that possible or am I really losing my mind? If someone has a clue please fill me in.
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