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  1. http://bp2.blogger.com/_og40BwzbeKo/SFcfhwoeoeI/AAAAAAAAAEE/dmO7OklX8vY/s1600-h/Squares.bmp SOLUTION: I began by labelling the squares A-X. NB: J is the smallest square; it was too small for me to properly label! The next step was to convert the diagram to a series of equations. These are summarised below: (1) H=K+J (2) I=K+2J (3) F=2K+3J (4) E=4K+4J (5) G=3K+5J (6) B=9K+12J (7) A=13K+16J (8) M=4K+8J (9) L=3K+9J (10) X=7K+17J (11) D=10K+26J (12) Q=P+W (13) S=P+2W (14) R=2P+3W (15) T=P+3W (16) V=4W (from Q+P+O=S+T+U) (17) U=P+7W (18) O=P+11W (19) N=15W (20) C=P+26W (21) P=14.5W (from R+Q+T+U=S+P+N+C) (22) 11K+14J=23.5W (from A+B=O+U) (23) 17K+43J=47W (from D+X=A+B) (24) K+14J=8.5W (from B+C=D+R) (25) W=2J (from above) (26) K=3J (from above) Hence: A=55J, B=39J, C=81J, D=56J, E=16J, F=9J, G=14J, H=4J, I=5J, K=3J, L=18J, M=20J, N=30J, O=51J, P=29J, Q=31J, R=64J, S=33J, T=35J, U=43J, V=8J, W=2J, X=38J Assuming the puzzlemakers were interested in the smallest integral solution, we should let J=1, in which case the required square, X, is 38 units long #
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