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Posts posted by stingray78

  1. There's no misinterpretation. Einstein theory is pretty clear for anyone with some physics education. The second postulates means that the speed of light is the same if you measure it from the earth than if you measure it from a super sonic airship. Maybe this relativity video can help:


  2. You can define living things in thousand ways, but in the limit of "dead and living stuff" It becomes kind of a philosophycal problem. Jeje. So maybe in a philosophy forum youll get more interesting awnsers.

  3. Uhh, good question!! Lets put it this way. In general, Pretty people f*ck with pretty people. Rich people f*uck with rich people. Smart people f*ck with smart people. Ugly people f*ck with ugly people. Stupid people f*ck with stupid people. I know it sounds quite hard, but It's true(in general). So in terms of evolution, I think the human race will divide into too: one "stupid ugly" race and one pretty smart race". You just need to look around on all the steretypes. Well, that's my point of view, but it's a fact evolution continues.

  4. Time changes with realtivity because velocity=dx/dt so we know distance changes with realtivity therefore time needs to change also. So if u r at an inertial system; objects passing at highers speed will experience a "slower" time tha yours, but for them it just goes by like for you.

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