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Everything posted by G_Sherman

  1. No. Everything you are made of existed 200 years ago in one format or another. This is a stretch but if identity is derived from matter, anything that is used becomes an aspect of current or past identity. There was no clarity in the statement, "I am 200 years old." The 'lie' or 'truth' becomes dependent on the context the speaker experiences and the recipient assumes.
  2. rSo within my own limited experience of life the questions of truth arises. Lets first get some information that we can all start with as a basis for discussion. So take a sojourn to the website bellow and lets start our journey. http://dictionary.re...om/browse/truth Now considering that truth is being genuine, there has to be a concept of lacking genuine quality. Two people make a stone ball. The first person is Aye the second Bay. Aye made his stone ball, while Bay finished a minute later. Is Aye's stone ball of Genuine quality while Bay's is lacking Genuine quality? Consider this as well. "This statement is a lie." If the statement is a lie, then the statement is true. If the statement is the truth, then it is a lie but in stating it is a lie still provides a measure of truth. Truth can be a lie, a lie that is or is not true. What was intended as a lie could by chance be truth as well, then does the objective reality surpass the inherent desire to provide false information?
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