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    The Truth
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    Lion Tamer


  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Klaynos your instincts are right. Science, if defined by people who are disconnected from the origanal discovery of the observable natural principle in action, is simply postulatation about different viewpoints formed from a foundation of rote knowledge wich is both compartmentilised and incomplete. Origanal observable actions within the natural world are not the basis of the education system because that system has been set up for the benifit of industry and the wealth/power or those with vested interests in it. As you can observe from the responding posts many people think science exists indipendently from the obsever/scientist. Quantum Physics is trying to argue that point at the moment but I think it can be obseved in action in the way so many educated people these days will use quotes and rote to support there position in much the same way most religion people use their book to support whatever position suits them. EGO is everywhere, Money is the cure when you are powerless! Think outside of the box, wich is inside a box, wich is inside a box ..........how far can you go
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