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Everything posted by Toskier

  1. I have been thinking tonight on the idea that the fourth dimensional axis of movement is probability. and that time is a measurement of this probability as either we move through 4 dimensional space or 4th dimensional objects intersect with us losing there fourth dimension in the process. Anyway let me set up the picture in your mind. Imagine the normal three dimensions of axial movement x,y, and z. To this an axis that is diffused everywhere as it moves away from the origin. now place a cube at the origin just beyond the zero value. as the value along this 4th axis of movement goes up the cube expands. as the value approaches zero the cube contracts. since the cube is a three dimensional volume it contains every value or point within it. This would allow for any probable value to be defined within the volume and in fourth dimensional space this would be all the values within the cube at once allowing a cube of infinite value to contain within it an infinite amount of probability. and a smaller cube to contain a lesser amount of probable values. So a four dimensional object would have finite values along all its axis values. and a four dimensional space would have infinite values along all its axis of movement. So we know that if a three dimensional object where to cross a two dimensional space it could only be "perceived" or "detected" as a two dimensional object as it moves through the two dimensional space. it "loses" so to speak its third dimension relative to the second dimensional space. So if a four dimensional object moved through a three dimensional space it too would "lose" its fourth dimensional parameter. causing it to be "perceived" or "detected" as an object of only three dimensions. seeming to give it the curious quality of being everywhere and nowhere until "looked at" or otherwise detected. Time would be the measurement we impose on the fourth dimensional space. that space having an infinite probability value that upon intersecting with our own three dimensional universe would become a finite and definite value. Giving us an infinite progression of probable outcomes that becomes a definite outcome as we move through the fourth dimensional space. another interesting thing is that this expanding and contracting cubic volume is at right angles to all axis of movement in four dimensions. Also the divisions of these axis "divide" the cube into eight cubic volumes. So maybe the individual volumes could expand and contract independently to give an even more variable value. So thoughts?
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