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  • Lepton

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  1. Well just because some facet of a book I would like to write has been done before doesn't mean I can not still write about it myself. Most ideas in fact have been done before in some form or fashion. This aspect of my book is not the most important, just a by-product of the world the characters live in. I looked up "New Earth" but just got back results about some Oprah selfhelp crap. Back to topic. Anyone have any more good suggestions like CaptainPanic in regards to strange ecological locations that exist on Earth?
  2. Thank you for your response. Magic will not be a factor. One of the main reasons I posted here was not only get answers, but to help clarify what questions I need to ask. I am not as familiar with the earth sciences so these answers give me a good idea to the direction I need to be heading to write accurately. At least accurately enough so a regular high school student reading it would not easily point out the falacies. I do not intend on having the environment stay the same, just some idea of what would happen if that landscape was suddenly translocated and the effects upon it over time. Thanks also for the Namib desert and Kilimanjaro suggestions. Any more strange locations would be most appreciated. When writing a story that includes so many facets of our lives, its hard to kept track of the mundane and often overlooked things.
  3. Hello, I am writing a book that involves a world where several different types of environments, that were never meant to coexist, have been thrust together into a single "earth" world. To get a better idea just think about if you had deserts, rainforests, tundras, etc. that were all pies. Now cut a piece from one of the pies and place it in a spot were you cut another piece from another pie. My question is, given these strange turn of events, what would happen to say a section of a mountain range that suddenly replaced a large area surrounded by desert, or grasslands? Or if a mountain sized glacier was dropped on a redwood forest. I am basically looking for ideas for strange terrains that could support human life (or not) that have been thrown together, then allowed to settle for say 400-500 years. Characters will be traversing or avoiding these landscapes so the more extravagant the better. Any and all ideas are welcome. If I need to expound upon my post please let me know. Let your imaginations run wild.
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