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  1. Eugenics


    Ok I am going to put the nail in the coffin on the heritability of intelligence debate. Which means 85% of intelligence is inherited, 15% is other factors. I challenge any of you to show evidence that intelligence is not genetic.
  2. Eugenics


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law I didn't even know Google Scholar existed, cool. If you insist, I will go research the subject lol. @Cap'n Refsmmat and swansont Read this article, http://www.slate.com...es_grow_up.html they took 15 of the children produced from the sperm bank and this is what they found.
  3. Eugenics


    I am pretty sure the entire population of humans on earth wouldn't all live near a volcano, and even if they did, you can be as creative as you want, lava will still burn you to a crisp. My theory is that the ice age pushed humans to become more creative and intelligent do to the lack of food available. Well there's the book "The Bell Curve" for one. However the heritability of intelligence is blatantly obvious to me, I need not waste time researching it, it's like researching whether or not blue eyes are genetic... Here is some evidence for you though, Hermann J. Muller created a sperm bank that lasted from 1980 to 1999. He only accepted the sperm from geniuses and Nobel Prize laureates. He would give the sperm to intelligent mothers who wanted to have a baby. All of the offspring produced from his sperm bank have high IQs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ
  4. Eugenics


    It is not politically correct to do research supporting my beliefs, therefore there is none. Nobody is going to get funding to research into something so taboo. the dissenters will be re-educated to cure them of their brainwashing. Chimpanzees and humans have a common ancestor, chimpanzees evolved to be less intelligent than humans. All humans have a common ancestor, some humans evolved to be less intelligent than other humans. We are not all created equal. Intelligence is sexy to me... I hate girls with no brains. We have barely scratched the surface of being able to manipulate genes. Yes once we discover that, it will be better, but as of now all we have is Eugenics. With Eugenics producing more intelligent people, we will discover genetic manipulation much faster. Education and intelligence are two different things, some people don't realize that. The end justifies the means.
  5. Eugenics


    All the inventors you named lived before the civil rights movement... The civil rights movement was harmful to African Americans, it gave them Affirmative Action, which instead of selecting an employee for their skill, it forced people to employ African Americans just because of their skin color. They could get jobs and college grants too easily without actually working for them, which means not only were White people treated unfairly in the hiring process, African Americans couldn't excel in the work place because they were just there to fill a government quota. They will not revolt if the government is doing what's best for the people. If intelligence can be learned, then why can't chimpanzees learn calculus? Because they are genetically less intelligent than humans. This principle works the same with humans. Most "dumb blondes" I have met dyed their hair blonde... Many natural blondes are highly intelligent.
  6. Eugenics


    Actually I advocate aborting fetuses with undesirable genetic diversity. Encouraging the production of fetuses with beneficial genetic diversity. Hundreds or thousands of generations is a drop in the bucket compared to our entire evolutionary timeline. The civil rights movement did not benefit the world, it benefited a group of formerly oppressed people by oppressing the descendants of their oppressors. Also the civil rights movement was organized by a group of highly intelligent individuals. Again, I do not advocating killing anyone, just sterilizing, it is much more humane than mass murder. I have a question for you, if you had the magic power to snap your fingers and make everyone in the world intelligent, healthy, and happy, would you?
  7. Eugenics


    First of all, sterilizing stupid people wouldn't bottleneck the entire human population into two genotypes. Intelligent people have many different genotypes themselves. We will still have plenty of bio diversity left over after the sterilization process is complete, and through genetic variations we will gain new genetic diversity as time goes on. Many times bottlenecks are good for a species, natural selection bottlenecks organisms all the time, the weak genes die off while the fit genes produce more offspring. This would just be that process done artificially. Lol, that is EXACTLY where you get new genes from... NOWHERE! They randomly mutate and you get new genes! Sometimes its beneficial, sometimes it is harmful. Through natural selection the harmful variations usually die off, but due to human emotion, we try to keep the harmful genetic variations alive because it makes us feel all warm inside. Yes there are risks involved and all of those risks would be taken into account beforehand. I am not advocating overnight sterilizing millions of people. It would be a very delicate processes and not taken lightly. All the worlds top scientists would have to reach some sort of concusses on how the process of Eugenics should operate. I was referring to intelligent individuals in the western countries. Chinas city populations have high average IQ's but their government does not take IQ tests of their rural less intelligent populations. The true average intelligence of China would be much lower if they did. The vast majority of Chinese citizens are unintelligent living in shacks. The true rural impoverished China and the privileged city populations are very different. Also in Chinese schools they prepare students to take IQ tests beforehand, which throw off the results in their favor. Communist regimes such as China are well known for using propaganda to make their state seem better than it actually is. Also I am seriously tired of people claiming because I spelled one thing wrong I must be stupid. Get over it, I don't have the best grammar in the entire world, so what? Argue against my ideas not my vocabulary... Nothing has a "right" to live. You have no more right to live than a cockroach, does that mean you should kill yourself and let a hive of cockroaches consume your rotting corpse? Well that depends on your view of life. Do you value the existence of life more than its benefit to your life? I personally believe that intelligent people will ultimately benefit me and my future offspring far more than an intellectually inferior individual. According to statistics someone with low IQ is more likely to commit violent crime, if we allow the overpopulation of stupid people, statistically speaking there is a good possibility that somewhere down the line your offspring will be attacked, mugged, raped etc by the offspring of one of these stupid people. Conversely through the government advocating the production of higher IQ people, statistically one of them will probably invent some new technology that will benefit your offspring in some way directly or indirectly. Look at the bigger picture, in the long run Eugenics will pay off big time. I never said I would sterilize people with aspergers. Possibly confine them to only breed with other people with aspergers. When I advocate the sterilization and abortion of mentally and phonically handicapped, I mean people who are a burden. For example people with Down Syndrome offer no benefits to humanity, they are completely dependent upon outside support and could not survive on their own. Therefore sterilization and abortion of people who have down syndrome is the best option for the collective group. People with aspergers do not harm anyone, they are usually self sufficient, and can be beneficial at times, their unique features should be preserved for the possible exploitation of their innate mental gifts. I am passionate about the advancement of human kind. My own lack of success has nothing to do with my position, I feel as a whole, humanity would achieve much greater success in the progression of science and technology should we start valuing intelligence more than our emotions.
  8. Fruits and vegetables could be grown indoors hydroponically. Tanning booths could be used to produce vitamin D during the months of darkness.
  9. Evolution Inactive virus found in human dna also found in chimpanzees dna in the same spot. This suggests a common ancestor. The fossil record. We can observe evolution happening in bacteria and viruses because they replicate much faster than animals. Big Bang Our universe is expanding which means there must have been an explosion propelling things outward from a central point. Detectable static radiation from big bang left over.
  10. Eugenics


    People have sex, people have more babies, new genetics take the place of the ones we wiped out...
  11. Eugenics


    It's called the birds and the bees... Is this a science forum or a forum about some nature worshiping religion??? There is no "true cosmic plan," and nature doesn't have a job... Our only goal is what we want it to be. If your goal for humanity is to have 7 billion stupid people on a rock orbiting around a star in the milky way galaxy, be my guest. But my personal goal for humanity is to achieve everything we can possibly achieve, harness the suns energy, conquer our galaxy, reach out to the farthest corners of the universe, discover what exactly caused the big bang, etc... We haven't explored our entire planet because the hordes of low IQ people have different priorities, they cant think far ahead, their only concern is here and now, their current drama and problems, some celebrity gossip. That is why we must cleanse the earth of people who are complacent, docile, and stupid, and replace them with leaders, dreamers, inventors, and thinkers. The secrets of the universe are within our reach, we must break a few eggs before we can make an omelet.
  12. Eugenics


    Ok go live in Somalia and then tell me technology/quality of life doesn't lead to a happier life... All the smart people back in the dark ages would have been strapped to a table and tortured for being a heathen had they spoken out about anything. Stupid people outnumbered the smart people and the dark ages was the result. I don't see much difference between the dark ages and the near future if we continue electing stupid politicians, and allowing stupid people to breed like rabbits. I meant our diversity wont be negatively effected long enough to cause our species harm. We will temporarily lose some diversity but will gain it back quickly. However our intelligence will be positively affected and will make a big difference. So your solution to that problem is to breed stupid people to clean up our trash bins for us? Sounds a bit like slavery... Plus I am only advocating sterilizing them not killing them. So don't worry there will still be plenty of stupid people around to pick up your trash. I however guarantee that within 100 years of industrializing intelligence most if not all of our menial jobs such as picking up the trash, mopping the floors, etc will be automated by inventions created by the numerous geniuses that are birthed. Imagine a world where every working class job is filled by a robot, and 100% of the human population can focus their efforts in designing new space flight technology, or new medicines to cure illnesses. Maybe even harness the power of the sun which will give us nearly limitless energy without pollution.
  13. There might be coal they could mine and burn.
  14. Eugenics


    The average IQ is not 100. It varies depending on the area you are in. That kid Jacob is stupid, he is trying to disprove the big bang theory. What a moron. I think his parents lie about their sons talents just to get publicity. Also I never said if your IQ is 95 it is a drastic impairment. I said the lower you go below 100 the higher risk you have of committing violent crime. The difference is dog breeders didn't know as much about biology that we do now. Just sterilizing stupid people will not turn us into unhealthy pugs. Yes it will decrees our diversity temporarily, but not long enough to make a difference, we will become just as diverse, just a whole lot smarter. By making humanity smarter, they will invent new ways to make life easier, therefore making humanity happier. Think back to the dark ages when most people were stupid and shunned intelligence for religion. They weren't very happy.
  15. Eugenics


    It is completely relevant, an idiot might be more fit meaning they have more children due to the welfare system, but they are a parasite, once that niche of welfare runs out, their survival tactic fails and they die off. But people with intelligence who have fewer children will survive in the long run because they plan ahead. This woman has more children than you I assume. Does that make her DNA more "fit" for long term survival than you are?
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