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The time Traveller

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Posts posted by The time Traveller

  1. Thankyou some one who gets it

    By definition our knowledge of time is based on the fact that it exists and is flowing. If T=S/V then as the velocity varies so will the equated resultant time value vary.


    From this same logic any oscillator used in a clock whether atomic or not will also vary using velocity. This invalidates our attempts to measure time flow accurately using the physical properties of matter when our velocity is changing.


    Our model of atomic physics does not yet accept that cosmic velocity is also a valid component of our atomic structure resonance. This means we have a lot to learn and understand yet, as time will vary in every cosmic location which has different cosmic velocities to our own.

  2. hey this topic was just about opening everybody’s eyes to some of the inconstancy’s that exist with in physics and mathematics and what a better way to do that than start a topic about on of those problems.


    time and mathematics its one of the most understood and misunderstood concepts to date.


    we may all be right in thinking that our own theories are correct and comparing our ideas with other well established theories to be the correct answer but we may never truly know.


    The inconsistencies in the subject time and mathematics clearly do come up again and again in one form ore another .


    And as to GR should we go there or not ha ha ha


    "There can only be one answer to time" is inconsistent with much of the rest of your post. Time is not constant but neither is it arbitrary; relativity does a very adequate job of explaining what happens.

  3. This is because time is every were at different times and in different time frames.


    it exists at a different time in my time frame than it dose at rest in your time frame .


    I don't believe it follows a constant flow 123456 and so on.


    Like the experiment with the two atomic clocks flown around the world in opposite directions to each other. And the tunnelling laser experiment


    one gained time on it return this to would explain that time can and is being effected by outside influences.


    and that if it was a constant every were then there should be no change to the said time on the atomic clocks.


    And the tunnelling laser experiment is just one more example of time being effected by outside influences


    There can only be one answer to time.


    a red car is a red car no matter where it is its still a red car


    Just like time it is either a constant or not constant .


    I believe its not constant and that its woven into every single atom /electron / neutron / ????


    That's in a transform between reference frames; neither length nor time are invariant. In your own frame, you are at rest




    Two answers to two different questions on the same topic. Is either answer untrue?

  4. Hello again I was actually speaking out for other forum members having the option to put up a list of there publications.


    but I have to agree I think it only fare that I put up some of my work for scrutiny.


    I have only been published twice and that was in the world physics book.


    I have given lectures in a number of universities in this field of new physics


    The book I was published in goes out to only the select physicists around the world.


    I will need a good few days to put something together and will have it ready for the new year as the mathematics and the symbolism used is quite different to what you find on a scientific calculator so I will have to scan and past my equations.


    I will include a full explanation of the mathematical formulas so they make some sort of sense and cross references to other known physics findings regarding frequency of all the periodic table elements.


    As this is quite relevant to some of the work


    I think it will help you understand the formulas and equations as I have explained in my post the work I do is classified so just to let you know that the information I will release for you to read is still on going research and in know way connected to my classified work.


    (sorry I have to make that disclaimer ).


    this work is hopefully the proof that there is a control TAG within the electron shell and within the neutrinos shell and in fact they are not empty and its this TAG that controls the behaviour of all matter and its these TAGS that hold it all together. Including the time space relationship & GR & QM


    And the proof of there existence.


    From both scientific method and experimentation & mathematical means.


    its just a different take on the work being done at CERN


    The Large Hadron Collider.


    All I can say is up to date I have had some very very promising results that have proven beyond a doubt that I am heading in the right direction and a large number of my fellow physicists have agreed with my finding so fare.


    Like I said I will post the work in the new year for you to hopefully pull to bits and find the holes in it if any and I will look forwards to your comments.



  5. I have to admit I am imprested with your daring to think out of the box most physicist in the academic stage are in my opium getting brainwashed into thinking this is how it is and that’s that.


    its nice to talk with someone who isn’t afraid to go out side the comfort zone of the box and to put forward there own theories.


    you have a good one to my friend and a fab new year



  6. This in some sense makes sense and in other cases dose not fit the model.


    this would imply that you are only allowing for certain energy variations to fit the model and the other frequency’s ore vibrations between would not exist and there for would not factor in the equation.


    but if you was to list say 1 to10 then you have to take into account that say 3 and a half dose exist and if this number doesn’t fit the model then one would think there was a problem with the model in the first place.


    there would also be other frequency’s of light that would not fit in to the maths but they clearly exist.


    its of my opium that if all isn’t taken into account then there is a flaw in the maths then only some of the answers will be correct.


    it doesn’t take into account a lot of the actions on the quantum level



  7. That was the closest answer I have had to date concerning time .


    if you take it out of the 4 dimensions now and put it into 6 dimensions the two left out mans ability to make a choice in a simple manor of explanation left or right.


    now do the same maths and factor in the other two dimensions then take into account the vibration distortions between the left dimension and the right dimension pulling from either side of the 4 dimensions




    X X



    X X






    Its best to work this out in a cube for the 4 dimensions and place the other two dimensions on either side of the cube.


    If you apply this maths to your Caesium atom and apply a number of cycles from the past then calculate any given number of cycles into the future.


    I would just go 2 minutes to keep it relatively simple to start with then apply the left & right dimension this will show you just how time behaves.


    if you do the same calculations for the electron it will show you how they manage to slip in and out of existence and what one would think impossible in what would seem to be two places at the same time.


    ha ha ha


    Time dose not flow in a straight line it resonates with in this six dimensional space constantly struggling against out side influences pushing and pulling it / in and out back and too and side to side .


    All atoms / electrons / particles have a control tag and using this mathematical formula its possible to work out the position of this tag once you know the tags position you can set about reprogramming the resonant frequency of the matter into a alternate state thus changing the matters properties.


    And how it exist in what you would call present time .


    now imagine changing its properties so it has to abide by a different rule it will suddenly exist in a different time hey what do you know back to the behaviour of electrons .


    Merry Christmas my friend I hope this helps and makes some sort of sense


    Ps it doesn't actually have any thing to do with mans ability to make choice I just like to say that ha ha


    That is just how it seem to be


    One more point I should mention all matter doesn't vibrate or resonate in a strait line either so why would time abide by a different rule from every thing else in this part of the universe.

    Time exists within six


    spatial dimensions along with all matter and thus time has a profound effect on the said matter it all abides by set rules and it will vibrate or resonate accordingly . it is easy to see why mankind would get confused with this as he sees that there is only one time split into three planes past present and future when it concerns time if you reprogram the resonant frequency of some matter to an alternate state you can change its place within the order of things (time) it is quite possible to carry out an experiment to show this happen just like the observations of electrons slipping in and out of this time frame you can do the same with matter and it can be instantaneously moved from one point to another point in time with very little power for say 0.1 of a gram of matter.





    Daedalus & Allan Zade you are so close to the solution ?


    This is just a brief outline of a small amount of the work I have undertaken. The whole known universe is made is made up off atoms containing electrons which contain neutrons protons quarks ECT and gluons that modern day physicists believe hold them all together.


    I would like to put forward a new concept based on the last 25 years work involving the research into the behaviour of atoms and there relationship to each other.


    After developing a new form of mathematics


    ’ using 6 dimensional space and resonance frequency it was possible to map out the interactions and the multi dimensional space they occupy.


    I then concentrated on just a few different atoms that make up magnetic material and the behaviour of atoms in static charge it was possible to conduct a experiment where a piece of matter that was alien to the controlled environment was placed in side the apparatus and then the natural frequency of the electrons in the static was put out of phaze and the piece of matter was made to resonate at the same frequency as the electrons in the magnetic material the outcome was the small piece of matter floated up ward in a helix motion approximately 7cm and then moved to the centre of the helix then proceeded to fall slowly down the centre of the helix the experiment was repeated a number of times with different bits of matter with the same result by of setting the static frequency by different degrees has a profound effect on the matters behaviour in the experiment the one most notably was the instantaneous acceleration from one side of the controlled space to a different point within the control space it covered 230mm in an instance the experiment was carried out many different times with the same result the only thing that changed was the direction and distance covered but controlling this was not easy to overcome a millimetre grid was set up 300mm2 and a piece of tobacco leaf strand was placed within the grid reference a magnified photo was then taken of the tobacco strand before the experiment was run and again after wards it was noted that no matter what distance it covered or how fast it instantaneously travelled it would keep the exact position it was in at point A B and C no matter how many times it moved it held it fragile shape this was shown by overlaying photographs many times .this effect was possible due to the interactions of the electrons/atoms that made up the tobacco strand and by reprogramming the resonant frequency of the atoms into a AlterNet state holds them in a 6 dimension stases field that protects them from the journey from point A to B at incredible speeds . All atoms / electrons have a control TAG and it is this TAG that tells the atoms /electrons how to behave and how to interact within there environments it is possible to mathematically work out where this TAG is positioned in relation to its given atoms once you know the position of the TAG you can work out the true frequency of the atoms and then set about to reprogram the TAGS natural frequency thus changing the matters state and its natural behaviour to many different AlterNet states.



  8. Firstly I would like to thank the staff on this forum for the patience they have shown for this subject.


    The problem with mathematics and time.


    It is a passionate subject for some people and its quite easy to get side tracked during discussions but that's what makes a good moderator understanding that this sort of thing is bound to happen now and again and I would say more often than not in this case ha ha But that's the nature of all good debates.


    And I too apologise for the times I have overstepped the forums rules I have to say I feel it was my fault that ALLEN ZADE received a warning as I led him in this discussion and hope he excepts my apology.


    Now that's been said. Time in two boxes. Well firstly its irrelevant what time is on the watches in the boxes for a whole number of reasons atomic ore mechanical man made devices.


    2 you can not see the time in the boxes as to make a reference to mans given reference of time its only important once you open the box to ascertain the time on any given time piece that was in the boxes but I believe this takes one back to my first point man made


    3 if time was a constant then I believe that in ore out of the box the time would only vary due to mechanical delay ore fault between the two time pieces and this would be rectified with a simple adjustment once removed from the boxes from a different reference point of mans interpretation of time so all three watches read the same but still incorrect in my mind.


    4 there are too many galaxies out in the see able universe and all with there own reference of time I think its quite reasonable to assume that each one of these galaxies has its own time frame that is completely different to the one man has made up for himself in this part of the universe that he inhabits.


    5 what of black holes and time.

  9. I think it would be fantastic if the forum had a section for people who have had there work published so they can post their publications I think it would make it most interesting and hey who knows maybe a combination of the published work might fit together and help solve some of life’s annoying problems in the field of physics is this at all possible




    Hi again my friend I will look forward to reading you paper and I think I would most enjoy having some discussions with you on this subject I to was published this year in the world physics book I was asked to speak at the world physics conference in Kiev as I am working out in the Ukraine I think you would have loved the conference I also had the pleasure of speaking at several universities across the Ukraine and was invited out to Egypt to speak at the follow on world conference there the book I was published in only go s out to key physicists around the world there are only 5010 copy’s published and they are dedicated to these physicists who work in this sort of field. but like your self my work is on the fringe


    And sometimes taken to be highly controversial but luckily I have all the evidence to back it up to date hence speaking at the conferences you can read about the world physics conference in Kiev on the internet if you like


    My work involves new types of magnetic energy and static effect it is something you can try for your self we had great results with our experiments and have since taken it to a whole new level


    That is a very interesting point of view! It refers to the future. But I guess that is not quite correct now.


    There is my work that was published this year with name "Z-Theory and its Applications" (ISBN: 978-1452018935). That is result of my theoretical research. Primary source for my work is Encyclopedia Britannica (2008). But result of that work goes far away from the usual point of view.


    It has some relation with quotation that I mentioned above and gives us final answer on question about nature of time. It describes some new aspects of space as well. As a result knowledge of physics in that area extends significantly.


    As I can see there is nobody else from the members of this forum who has any publication (for the last decade) that covers matter of space or time. If that is not correct please send a list of your publications to me using e-mail from my profile. Each message will be highly appreciated.


    Of course you can ask any question to me regarding my work that is relevant to this forum. If you have more complex questions send them to my e-mail box please.

  10. Time is unlike any mathematical equation.You can not put time in a box and just say that is it


    ( example 12345678910 and so on up to 60 seconds and then say it fits night and day to have 24 x 60 seconds to make night and day )


    All this is is a reference to one of your atomic particles you will find later on that new particles discovered do not fit this model and that will cause confusion.




    we are not saying this is easy to understand it means calculating within six dimensional space and having to apply different frequencies and algorithms that constantly change one moment to the next.


    ( this isn't speculation it is all being looked at by physicists in present day terms and all information is mostly available to read. They just haven't figured it out yet)


    time is like that within the whole infer net of the known and unknown universes.


    as to present mankind having the ability to do the equations I don't think he can at this stage of his development in evolution terms .


    He has evolved to communicate with language from day to day experience and invented mathematics to try and get some sort of grasp on the space he occupies.


    The place mankind calls home the earth and the known universe he inhabits.


    ( this to is true and obvious hence you have physicists biologists chemists and all the other learned faculties around the earth in this present time.


    Al looking for the one answer where did we come from and how and why are we here )



    There is still a long way to go before he starts to comprehend his place in time and overcoming the solutions .


    But once he dose then mankind will advance to a whole new level with a full understanding of time and space and like we said before if there is one comfort in all this mankind is relentless and a most resourceful species and will get there in the end.


    ( the mathematical equations just need to factor in the constantly changing subatomic frequencies they will then find the maths will make a lot more sense and start to add up.)


    and during the course of calculating how time works one answer will keep popping out that is a constant that will be the right answer all the other numbers are just background noise and should be ignored


    this answer will then give you a true base number to calculate the other variations of time once mankind understands this he will realize the universe that he thought was so vast suddenly becomes not so vast as he thought.

  11. I do apologize I think you misunderstood me I do not think time it's a function of thought I think that by man thinking a mere thought can have an effect on time on the quantum level man just invented the word time and a numerical system to measure it witch I must say is one of his most outstanding achievements to date oh and as to


    perpetual motion we did that one 3 years ago ha ha ha you have a good day




  12. I would have to agree with that statement about the universe and I believe we as a species are a long way of the correct formulas to do this accurately to an extent that we can evolve our technology to a whole new level because at the moment we just seem to make things smaller .


    I don’t think it will be one of us old boys who master this problem its going to be one of your generation or the generations that will follow



  13. I was just trying to prove that time come into existence just by the mere thought by mankind.


    and that before he consciously had the idea of time.


    that time didn’t exist in that way


    and it now only exist in its present state because man decided that that is what it was going to be and that is how its going to work,


    and from that the whole of the numerical representation of time and the mathematics system that followed all came into existence it was all part and parcel from the very first thought of we exist in time and this is how we will measure it rite or wrong and the rest is history from there.


    Everything is connected in the universe by frequency every single atom electron that make up us all even the conscious thoughts we have has an effect on our surrounding the examples I gave you were just but a few of the inter actions between man and his surroundings as some small proof that these interactions take place all the time


    I think he's trying to demonstrate that the brain can have an external effect maybe...?



    Have a read of this there are some for and some against but hey that’s what its all about the big discussion



  14. Ok my friend I will see what I can do


    Then it should be trivial for you to post us some peer reviewed articles on the subject.


    I can recall something from a couple of years ago that with very precise sensors strapped onto (possibly under the skin) to try and gain some level of control under specific circumstances of a computer. But I can only faintly recall this and it might have been something completely different...


    And just to let you know your recollections are correct the helmet picks up the electrical signals from the brain and they are amplified and certain thought pattern can control the weapons systems in the aircraft


    Ok my friend I will see what I can do



  15. I am very sorry if it seem like I am posting just random thoughts but all I can say is it is science fact where I work .


    Not being able to tell you exactly what we do here.


    what I can say is as an example do you know about the fighter pilot helmets that can control the weapon systems in the fighter jets.


    well they pick up the electromagnetic pulses from the pilots brain and convert it in to a control signal for the weapons systems in the aircraft.


    its not the best explanation but it’s the most I can tell you I am very sorry


    I'm unclear as to what you are stating happens in the brain/nerves that is not covered by classical electrodynamics?


    I am very sorry if it seem like I am posting just random thoughts but all I can say is it is science fact where I work .


    Not being able to tell you exactly what we do here.


    what I can say is as an example do you know about the fighter pilot helmets that can control the weapon systems in the fighter jets.


    well they pick up the electromagnetic pulses from the pilots brain and convert it in to a control signal for the weapons systems in the aircraft


    its not the best explanation but it’s the most I can tell you I am very sorry


    I am very sorry if it seem like I am posting just random thoughts but all I can say is it is science fact where I work .


    Not being able to tell you exactly what we do here.


    what I can say is as an example do you know about the fighter pilot helmets that can control the weapon systems in the fighter jets.


    well they pick up the electromagnetic pulses from the pilots brain and convert it in to a control signal for the weapons systems in the aircraft.


    its not the best explanation but it's the most I can tell you I am very sorry



  16. Why is life never easy lol ha ha ha and just after a hard days work I hope the other explanation from the other site is ok my friend


    The linked site is not a reputable source.


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment this will explaine

    this is from a web site that Explains it all



    Understanding the Transmission of Nerve ImpulsesNerve impulses have a domino effect. Each neuron receives an impulse and must pass it on to the next neuron and make sure the correct impulse continues on its path. Through a chain of chemical events, the dendrites (part of a neuron) pick up an impulse that's shuttled through the axon and transmitted to the next neuron. The entire impulse passes through a neuron in about seven milliseconds — faster than a lightning strike. Here's what happens in just six easy steps:


    1. Polarization of the neuron's membrane: Sodium is on the outside, and potassium is on the inside.
      Cell membranes surround neurons just as any other cell in the body has a membrane. When a neuron is not stimulated — it's just sitting with no impulse to carry or transmit — its membrane is polarized. Not paralyzed. Polarized. Being polarized means that the electrical charge on the outside of the membrane is positive while the electrical charge on the inside of the membrane is negative. The outside of the cell contains excess sodium ions (Na+); the inside of the cell contains excess potassium ions (K+). (Ions are atoms of an element with a positive or negative charge.)
      You're probably wondering: How can the charge inside the cell be negative if the cell contains positive ions? Good question. The answer is that in addition to the K+, negatively charged protein and nucleic acid molecules also inhabit the cell; therefore, the inside is negative as compared to the outside.
      Then, if cell membranes allow ions to cross, how does the Na+ stay outside and the K+ stay inside? If this thought crossed your mind, you deserve a huge gold star! The answer is that the Na+ and K+ do, in fact, move back and forth across the membrane. However, Mother Nature thought of everything. There are Na+/K+ pumps on the membrane that pump the Na+ back outside and the K+ back inside. The charge of an ion inhibits membrane permeability (that is, makes it difficult for other things to cross the membrane).
    2. Resting potential gives the neuron a break.
      When the neuron is inactive and polarized, it's said to be at its resting potential. It remains this way until a stimulus comes along.
    3. Action potential: Sodium ions move inside the membrane.
      When a stimulus reaches a resting neuron, the gated ion channels on the resting neuron's membrane open suddenly and allow the Na+ that was on the outside of the membrane to go rushing into the cell. As this happens, the neuron goes from being polarized to being depolarized.
      Remember that when the neuron was polarized, the outside of the membrane was positive, and the inside of the membrane was negative. Well, after more positive ions go charging inside the membrane, the inside becomes positive, as well; polarization is removed and the threshold is reached.
      Each neuron has a threshold level — the point at which there's no holding back. After the stimulus goes above the threshold level, more gated ion channels open and allow more Na+ inside the cell. This causes complete depolarization of the neuron and an action potential is created. In this state, the neuron continues to open Na+ channels all along the membrane. When this occurs, it's an all-or-none phenomenon. "All-or-none" means that if a stimulus doesn't exceed the threshold level and cause all the gates to open, no action potential results; however, after the threshold is crossed, there's no turning back: Complete depolarization occurs and the stimulus will be transmitted.
      When an impulse travels down an axon covered by a myelin sheath, the impulse must move between the uninsulated gaps called nodes of Ranvier that exist between each Schwann cell.
    4. Repolarization: Potassium ions move outside, and sodium ions stay inside the membrane.
      After the inside of the cell becomes flooded with Na+, the gated ion channels on the inside of the membrane open to allow the K+ to move to the outside of the membrane. With K+ moving to the outside, the membrane's repolarization restores electrical balance, although it's opposite of the initial polarized membrane that had Na+ on the outside and K+ on the inside. Just after the K+ gates open, the Na+ gates close; otherwise, the membrane couldn't repolarize.
    5. Hyperpolarization: More potassium ions are on the outside than there are sodium ions on the inside.
      When the K+ gates finally close, the neuron has slightly more K+ on the outside than it has Na+ on the inside. This causes the membrane potential to drop slightly lower than the resting potential, and the membrane is said to be hyperpolarized because it has a greater potential. (Because the membrane's potential is lower, it has more room to "grow."). This period doesn't last long, though (well, none of these steps take long!). After the impulse has traveled through the neuron, the action potential is over, and the cell membrane returns to normal (that is, the resting potential).
    6. Refractory period puts everything back to normal: Potassium returns inside, sodium returns outside.
      The refractory period is when the Na+ and K+ are returned to their original sides: Na+ on the outside and K+ on the inside. While the neuron is busy returning everything to normal, it doesn't respond to any incoming stimuli. It's kind of like letting your answering machine pick up the phone call that makes your phone ring just as you walk in the door with your hands full. After the Na+/K+ pumps return the ions to their rightful side of the neuron's cell membrane, the neuron is back to its normal polarized state and stays in the resting potential until another impulse comes along.
      The following figure shows transmission of an impulse.



    Transmission of a nerve impulse: Resting potential and action potential.Like the gaps between the Schwann cells on an insulated axon, a gap called a synapse or synaptic cleft separates the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron. Neurons don't touch. The signal must traverse the synapse to continue on its path through the nervous system. Electrical conduction carries an impulse across synapses in the brain, but in other parts of the body, impulses are carried across synapses as the following chemical changes occur:


    1. Calcium gates open.
      At the end of the axon from which the impulse is coming, the membrane depolarizes, gated ion channels open, and calcium ions (Ca2+) are allowed to enter the cell.
    2. Releasing a neurotransmitter.
      When the calcium ions rush in, a chemical called a neurotransmitter is released into the synapse.
    3. The neurotransmitter binds with receptors on the neuron.
      The chemical that serves as the neurotransmitter moves across the synapse and binds to proteins on the neuron membrane that's about to receive the impulse. The proteins serve as the receptors, and different proteins serve as receptors for different neurotransmitters — that is, neurotransmitters have specific receptors.
    4. Excitation or inhibition of the membrane occurs.
      Whether excitation or inhibition occurs depends on what chemical served as the neurotransmitter and the result that it had. For example, if the neurotransmitter causes the Na+ channels to open, the neuron membrane becomes depolarized, and the impulse is carried through that neuron. If the K+ channels open, the neuron membrane becomes hyperpolarized, and inhibition occurs. The impulse is stopped dead if an action potential cannot be generated.
      If you're wondering what happens to the neurotransmitter after it binds to the receptor, you're really getting good at this anatomy and physiology stuff. Here's the story: After the neurotransmitter produces its effect, whether it's excitation or inhibition, the receptor releases it and the neurotransmitter goes back into the synapse. In the synapse, the cell "recycles" the degraded neurotransmitter. The chemicals go back into the membrane so that during the next impulse, when the synaptic vesicles bind to the membrane, the complete neurotransmitter can again be released.

  17. this is from a web site that Explains it all



    Understanding the Transmission of Nerve ImpulsesNerve impulses have a domino effect. Each neuron receives an impulse and must pass it on to the next neuron and make sure the correct impulse continues on its path. Through a chain of chemical events, the dendrites (part of a neuron) pick up an impulse that's shuttled through the axon and transmitted to the next neuron. The entire impulse passes through a neuron in about seven milliseconds — faster than a lightning strike. Here's what happens in just six easy steps:


    1. Polarization of the neuron's membrane: Sodium is on the outside, and potassium is on the inside.
      Cell membranes surround neurons just as any other cell in the body has a membrane. When a neuron is not stimulated — it's just sitting with no impulse to carry or transmit — its membrane is polarized. Not paralyzed. Polarized. Being polarized means that the electrical charge on the outside of the membrane is positive while the electrical charge on the inside of the membrane is negative. The outside of the cell contains excess sodium ions (Na+); the inside of the cell contains excess potassium ions (K+). (Ions are atoms of an element with a positive or negative charge.)
      You're probably wondering: How can the charge inside the cell be negative if the cell contains positive ions? Good question. The answer is that in addition to the K+, negatively charged protein and nucleic acid molecules also inhabit the cell; therefore, the inside is negative as compared to the outside.
      Then, if cell membranes allow ions to cross, how does the Na+ stay outside and the K+ stay inside? If this thought crossed your mind, you deserve a huge gold star! The answer is that the Na+ and K+ do, in fact, move back and forth across the membrane. However, Mother Nature thought of everything. There are Na+/K+ pumps on the membrane that pump the Na+ back outside and the K+ back inside. The charge of an ion inhibits membrane permeability (that is, makes it difficult for other things to cross the membrane).
    2. Resting potential gives the neuron a break.
      When the neuron is inactive and polarized, it's said to be at its resting potential. It remains this way until a stimulus comes along.
    3. Action potential: Sodium ions move inside the membrane.
      When a stimulus reaches a resting neuron, the gated ion channels on the resting neuron's membrane open suddenly and allow the Na+ that was on the outside of the membrane to go rushing into the cell. As this happens, the neuron goes from being polarized to being depolarized.
      Remember that when the neuron was polarized, the outside of the membrane was positive, and the inside of the membrane was negative. Well, after more positive ions go charging inside the membrane, the inside becomes positive, as well; polarization is removed and the threshold is reached.
      Each neuron has a threshold level — the point at which there's no holding back. After the stimulus goes above the threshold level, more gated ion channels open and allow more Na+ inside the cell. This causes complete depolarization of the neuron and an action potential is created. In this state, the neuron continues to open Na+ channels all along the membrane. When this occurs, it's an all-or-none phenomenon. "All-or-none" means that if a stimulus doesn't exceed the threshold level and cause all the gates to open, no action potential results; however, after the threshold is crossed, there's no turning back: Complete depolarization occurs and the stimulus will be transmitted.
      When an impulse travels down an axon covered by a myelin sheath, the impulse must move between the uninsulated gaps called nodes of Ranvier that exist between each Schwann cell.
    4. Repolarization: Potassium ions move outside, and sodium ions stay inside the membrane.
      After the inside of the cell becomes flooded with Na+, the gated ion channels on the inside of the membrane open to allow the K+ to move to the outside of the membrane. With K+ moving to the outside, the membrane's repolarization restores electrical balance, although it's opposite of the initial polarized membrane that had Na+ on the outside and K+ on the inside. Just after the K+ gates open, the Na+ gates close; otherwise, the membrane couldn't repolarize.
    5. Hyperpolarization: More potassium ions are on the outside than there are sodium ions on the inside.
      When the K+ gates finally close, the neuron has slightly more K+ on the outside than it has Na+ on the inside. This causes the membrane potential to drop slightly lower than the resting potential, and the membrane is said to be hyperpolarized because it has a greater potential. (Because the membrane's potential is lower, it has more room to "grow."). This period doesn't last long, though (well, none of these steps take long!). After the impulse has traveled through the neuron, the action potential is over, and the cell membrane returns to normal (that is, the resting potential).
    6. Refractory period puts everything back to normal: Potassium returns inside, sodium returns outside.
      The refractory period is when the Na+ and K+ are returned to their original sides: Na+ on the outside and K+ on the inside. While the neuron is busy returning everything to normal, it doesn't respond to any incoming stimuli. It's kind of like letting your answering machine pick up the phone call that makes your phone ring just as you walk in the door with your hands full. After the Na+/K+ pumps return the ions to their rightful side of the neuron's cell membrane, the neuron is back to its normal polarized state and stays in the resting potential until another impulse comes along.
      The following figure shows transmission of an impulse.



    Transmission of a nerve impulse: Resting potential and action potential.Like the gaps between the Schwann cells on an insulated axon, a gap called a synapse or synaptic cleft separates the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron. Neurons don't touch. The signal must traverse the synapse to continue on its path through the nervous system. Electrical conduction carries an impulse across synapses in the brain, but in other parts of the body, impulses are carried across synapses as the following chemical changes occur:


    1. Calcium gates open.
      At the end of the axon from which the impulse is coming, the membrane depolarizes, gated ion channels open, and calcium ions (Ca2+) are allowed to enter the cell.
    2. Releasing a neurotransmitter.
      When the calcium ions rush in, a chemical called a neurotransmitter is released into the synapse.
    3. The neurotransmitter binds with receptors on the neuron.
      The chemical that serves as the neurotransmitter moves across the synapse and binds to proteins on the neuron membrane that's about to receive the impulse. The proteins serve as the receptors, and different proteins serve as receptors for different neurotransmitters — that is, neurotransmitters have specific receptors.
    4. Excitation or inhibition of the membrane occurs.
      Whether excitation or inhibition occurs depends on what chemical served as the neurotransmitter and the result that it had. For example, if the neurotransmitter causes the Na+ channels to open, the neuron membrane becomes depolarized, and the impulse is carried through that neuron. If the K+ channels open, the neuron membrane becomes hyperpolarized, and inhibition occurs. The impulse is stopped dead if an action potential cannot be generated.
      If you're wondering what happens to the neurotransmitter after it binds to the receptor, you're really getting good at this anatomy and physiology stuff. Here's the story: After the neurotransmitter produces its effect, whether it's excitation or inhibition, the receptor releases it and the neurotransmitter goes back into the synapse. In the synapse, the cell "recycles" the degraded neurotransmitter. The chemicals go back into the membrane so that during the next impulse, when the synaptic vesicles bind to the membrane, the complete neurotransmitter can again be released.

      Ok... Not really what I meant.
      I wanted proof of this:
      "Electrons fired at a 2 slits form a orderly spectrum but the minuet you physically view this happening they scatter.
      The reason this happens is the brain creates a electromagnetic pulse"
      You're saying that the reason is human thought, this would be observable yet I have never heard mention of it.
      The site you've linked to seems a bit psuedo too.....

  18. http://www.crystalinks.com/medbrain.html

    "just like the experiment with Electrons fired at a 2 slits form a orderly spectrum but the minuet you physically view this happening they scatter.


    The reason this happens is the brain creates a electromagnetic pulse when a thought is manifested it is the interaction of this energy field that the brain creates that interacts with the electrons behaviour thus causing them to scatter."

    Can you provide a reference for this? It doesn't sound right to me


    It would also be quite easy to test

  19. i was being Facetious its not ones place to ask about ones work when its Classified! (class 7 is just a bit of a in joke) the GOVERMENT and the MOD dont take to


    Kindly to its personnel discussing its projects out side of the labs


    But hey its better that way now you have a good day


  20. No what I am saying is that time has always been there but not in the same order that mankind has applied to it .


    Its obvious that we can track the universe all the way back with mankind’s mathematics and his given measurement of time.


    To what mankind believes to be the beginning the big bang theory just to mention one of a few which is his given interpretation of it but yes time did exist before man .


    The only difference was it wasn’t put in to a box with constraints like it exists now.




    Class 7 security is a in joke amongst us all here at the labs we have several different departments ours is department 7 and we do work for the government that they consider to be confidential the other departments do other work for industry


    The only classification that could come under (that i know of) is a class 7 (iso 7) clean room. which quite frankly, isn't that clean.


    apart from that the statement is meaningless unless there is common knowledge of the class system used.


    And just to add to that the saying come about down the pub after work when one of the other departments personnel asked us what we was working on and we replied we could tell you but then we would have to shoot you lol and they give our department the nickname class 7 government security


    No what I am saying is that time has always been there but not in the same order that mankind has applied to it .


    Its obvious that we can track the universe all the way back with mankind's mathematics and his given measurement of time.


    To what mankind believes to be the beginning the big bang theory just to mention one of a few which is his given interpretation of it but yes time did exist before man .


    The only difference was it wasn't put in to a box with constraints like it exists now.




    Class 7 security is a in joke amongst us all here at the labs we have several different departments ours is department 7 and we do work for the government that they consider to be confidential the other departments do other work for industry




    I do apologise I just assumed that people working in the industry would have under stud the in jokes in some labs I have had the privilege to work in it went all the way to class 17 ha ha ha



  21. It’s the recreation room computer looks like some of the other people here or there kids have been playing on the pc as my login times are different to some of my work times and the last post isn’t even mine I will delete it from this pc and start to use my laptop thanks for bringing it to my attention



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