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Everything posted by knowerastronomy

  1. You are right on the verge of understanding this theory and possibly the second person in the world to know how the Universe really works, but you have an obsession that all has been proven beyond any doubt and the way it all works has been proven with the standard model, no exceptions. . I will gladly debate with you any new ideas or hypotheses but, there is a problem. . .You discount and discredit my knowledge of science solely on the basis that I lack the skills to explain this theory in mathematical terms. . . I think this is a mistake. . . People can explain things in plain English. . . I have no ego problem and don't care who is right or wrong. . . In fact, if this theory was proven false I wouldn't mind because that would mean that a new truth has been found and humanity would finally know the secrets of the Universe. . . What a great day that would be. . . If you could put aside your beliefs and consider just for a moment that all of space time might be composed of small universal particles, you will notice that things start to make sense. . . All these unanswered questions will become clear. . . I believe this happens because the path you are on now is the right one. . . In my opinion the double slit experiment is responsible for physics taking a wrong path, because it was assumed most of space time was a vacuum. . . Wave particle duality was invented along with quantum physics to explain the results. . . It made sense, but was complicated and in my opinion was not logical. . . You would have to have to many photons to account for all the information that had to be radiated. . . In my opinion nature wouldn't have taken that path. . . It would be more likely that wave energy would be carriers of this information. . . I have noticed that the South Koreans have taken a keen interest in this theory. . . They are particularly interested in U1 particles. . . I am considering the Michelson-Morley experiments at the moment. . .
  2. They weren't supposed to know. . . Misinterpretation is in retrospect. . . The only thing I find fault with is the assumption of empty space. . . I am very familiar with this experiment and have explained why this theory is compatible. . . It is the cornerstone of the Logical Universe. . . Yes it is unproven as are all new ideas. . .
  3. Don't get upset but I asked the question to see if you knew what you were talking about and you did. . . In my opinion the experiments are misinterpreted . . . They haven't taken under consideration the hypothesis all of space time populated with particles. . . They assume empty space. . .
  4. I am not ignorant about the theory of photons. . . I knew you were going to say this. . . That is a lot of information to be carried by the alleged photon. . . Wouldn't it make more sense if wave energy carried all this information? Also, how many photons would it take to radiate in all directions simultaneously from all energy sources in the universe. . . It is heard to comprehend that photons are a logical solution. . . Wave energy would be more efficient. . . It is easy to radiate wave energy in all directions. . . I think the photon solution is a stretch. . . Along with particle wave duality. . .
  5. Ok now, what about radio waves and X rays. . . Do they have a particle counterpart?
  6. Some scientists reject the idea of particle wave duality. . . Including Einstein. . . I also do not agree with the theory that light, is photon particles energy. . . Sound waves are waves. . . Light waves are waves of a much shorter length but none the less they are waves, nothing exceptional about that. . . I agree that particles could possibly travel through empty space if there is such a thing. . . This is an unproven area of science. . . Just because most scientists believe that most of space is empty space doesn't mean that it cant be challenged. . .
  7. This is not an explanation of why light waves pass through so called empty space and sound can't. . . You are only harping on my shortcomings. . .
  8. Please explain this to me because I am not convinced. . .
  9. You hit a home run with this. . . If an experiment can be devised to prove that that light waves need a support structure for propagation, its all over. . . In the mean time science needs to explain better why light travels in a vacuum and sound don't. . . Wave propagation is key to understanding the Universe. . .
  10. I agree, what is wrong? Please don't say everything. . .
  11. none. . . Unless you'r interested in a dialogue of what, where, when, why! This theory is the Real Deal and is not going away. . . It has its creditably issues because of my inexperience but it has been well thought out and I believe is sound. . . I am not seeking recognition or gratification. . . I am only in search of the truth of how it all works. . . I love science, always have. . . I am obsessed by it, and think about it constantly. . . I know there are people out there like me and I would love to hear from you. . . If things are wrong I want to know. . .
  12. I'll ignore some of your adjectives and say this. . . I know I simplify things in order to make them more understandable. . . In the real world, things are not so simple. . . There is a lot of science behind some of the explanations such as touching I suppose. . . To me this is not a critical area but to some I can see it would be. . . Simplification is just to save time. . . I'll try to be more descriptive of functions and outcomes of hypotheses. . . This is not just some wine drinking brainstorm. . . It has been in the works sense 2008 and has been refined many more times than I can count. . . It still had a recent revision when I dropped the R=MR from the theory. . . This was in direct response to the criticisms of this forum. . . This is the first serious hurdle that the theory has faced. . . I was hopeful of confirming the science but we seem to be stuck with mathematics but that's understandable. . . That is one of its weak points. . . It was my hope that we would have a dialog about this and that, not working because?... scenario. . . I didn't expect that the whole theory would be discarded as rubbish, stupid, bull xxx, word salad, go read up on your science. . . I thought that was a little hostel and non professional but that's the way it turned out. . . Then there was someone like you who took the time to explain the reasons for all the bickering and posturing. . . I appreciate that and have a better understanding of what it takes to present your ideas. . . It will certainly influence the future. . .
  13. Fine lets talk science. . . I expect that every part of this theory to be validated with experiments observations and mathematics in time. . . Experiments and Observations trump all other proof. . . A foot note about mathematics. . . I learned about math in a non conventional way. . . I grew up learning to use a slide rule to do calculations. . . It was quick and easy and arrived at the right relative answer down to 3 or 4 decimal places. . . depending how good your eye were. . . It taught me an understanding of math but not so much the mechanics of it. . . That's why now I have trouble explaining things in a mathematical format. . . Because of this training I have no problem with logic and relativity. . . That's why I keep harping on this, because it is one of my strong points. . . I don't mean to discredit math but when someone tells me, a house doesn't exist. . . because you didn't use a tape measure to build, what ever it is you have, I shake my head. . .
  14. If you had proof it wouldn't be speculation. . . The proof is in logic and relativity. . . I admit that it doesn't have the power mathematical proof. . . So put it in the trash if you want to stifle free thought and speculation. . . I'm working on a response to your eloquent and lengthy dissertation it is appreciated and deserves some thought. . .
  15. The universe has nothing to do with mathematics. . . it doesn't know mathematics. . . It works just fine without mathematics. . . It is only some humans that need mathematics to understand things. . . Are you saying that hydrogen atoms don't have a resonant frequency? U1 Particles are part of the theory of this thread. . . Physics is the tool used to explain the science of things it has nothing to do with particles. . .
  16. I can not explain this in mathematics, it is beyond my expertise. . . I have to use plain English and, I might add, normal physics. . . Resonance plays a key roll in this instance. . . This is the definition I am using . . . (Resonance. . . A balance of Gravity, Energy and Matter). . . Hydrogen atoms all resonate at a specific frequency. . . when they absorb energy or discharge energy they must maintain part of what makes them a hydrogen atom, their frequency. . . When they absorb energy they add what I call U1 particles. . . Now, to maintain the balance (resonance) something has to give. . . This would be the gravity of the atom. . . the gravity will become more, the electron will have less distance to travel, the sum of the energy will be more because the atom has more sub sub atomic particles. . .This will maintain the balance. . . Now this happens in jumps because resonance is not gradual, an atom looses its balance when a sufficient energy threshold has been reached. . . You can see this in the light spectra of the area. . .There is a void of light energy at the hydrogen frequency. . . This is only an explanation. . . you decide if it has validity. . .
  17. well I probably could give it a shot but right now I need to go stare at a blank wall. . .
  18. It will be discarded only if it is wrong. . . and it should be. . .
  19. I love it. . . I promise not to bad mouth quantum physics any more but I still don't like it . . . I just don't like getting beat up. . .
  20. This is the answer I was told. . . electrons don't travel through the wire they displace one another. . . If you think about it, it makes more sense than anything. . . most people would say electrons travel through the wire. . . Just a little stress relief. . .
  21. I'm not going to reply to all of these posts because it takes to much time, but here is a question. . . Do electrons move through a copper wire?
  22. I disagree to the extent that it allows for the formation of Multiple Universes, A singularity, Worm Holes, The same matter to be in two places simultaneously, This is in my opinion nonsense. . I also do not agree with the concept of empty space. . . There is no support for wave propagation through empty space. . . Quantum physics is to flexible to be considered the gold standard. . . I agree that it arrives at correct solutions sometimes but in my opinion somewhere there are flaws or false assumptions. . The discrete nature of the hydrogen spectra can be explained without quantum physics. . . It is the simple resonance of the hydrogen atom receiving or expending energy in jumps. . . Quantum Tunneling is the transference of wave resonance through a beerier, the electron doesn't actually go through the beerier the electrons on the other side pick up the oscillations from the beerier. . .
  23. You ignored my questions also. . . We cherry pick, don't we. . . Look, this is getting tiresome. . . I thought we could discus concepts, science and theory's in this thread but the only thing of interest is mathematics and quantum physics. . I am surrounded by people with one way thinking. . . What I mean by that is, my way or no way. . . Good at tearing things down but that's where the dialogue ends. . . I am willing to yield when wrong. . . Like dropping the E=MR from the theory definition but this constant hammering with old rules, math, and concepts is leading nowhere. . . I am throwing in the towel and taking a break. . . That doesn't mean this theory will go away, quite the contrary, because I believe in it. . . In the mean time thanks for all your help and understanding. . .
  24. You are simply wrong. . . What makes you say they wouldn't work? I am very famular with MOSFETS (metal oxide field effect transistors) and they work just fine how ever you explain there design. . . I learned about them using regular physics. . . Hard disks don't require quantum mechanics to work. . . Bad thinking. . . they require normal everyday tried and true physics. . . What is not understood is magnetic resonance standing waves inductance reflected waves etc. . . If you use a tape measure to build a house, it is silly to say you cant build one without a tape measure. . .
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