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Tres Juicy

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Posts posted by Tres Juicy

  1. "just like the experiment with Electrons fired at a 2 slits form a orderly spectrum but the minuet you physically view this happening they scatter.


    The reason this happens is the brain creates a electromagnetic pulse when a thought is manifested it is the interaction of this energy field that the brain creates that interacts with the electrons behaviour thus causing them to scatter."

    Can you provide a reference for this? It doesn't sound right to me


    It would also be quite easy to test

  2. Absolute zero is absolute, you can't go below it




    Temperature is a measure of movement/vibration/spin of atoms


    Once their not moving at all that's absolute zero


    You cant make them move less than not at all.


    "I was wondering if neutrinos past through without bending. And/or protons and/or quarks."


    Good question, one i can't answer I'm afraid... I'll wait until someone else does and mooch off of their knowledge :D

  3. 1) Wouldn't we see the curvature of the earth in the distance going up into the sky?


    No. Your eye stays level with the horizon.


    What does this mean? its a bit vague...

    2) How does gravity work if you're inside a ball? Is it like a fairground ride that spins to "stick" you to the wall?

    Force is irrelevant in relation to their being a force that holds you down to the ground, you can call it gravity, aether, higgs field, whatevah.


    Lets call it gravity for the sake of tradition, So you're saying "don't ask how it works, just accept that it does"? Not going to cut it on a science forum pal.

    3) How big would the ball have to be so that when I look up through a powerful telescope I see space instead of the other side of the interior wall of the ball?


    Light travels on a curve, plus the wall of the central celestial sphere would block your vision of the other side of the Earth wall.


    Similar argument to that of the "flat earthers", it falls down when you actually do some studies on light and its properties


    4) How does my sat nav work???? Since everything it's based on is wrong it should fail horribly

    All calculations are based on a stationary earth with sats orbiting inside, open any space app to see.


    You're saying that they design sat navs based on your model? And they tell us they do it a different way? Why would they do that? What possible benefit is there?

    5) Since the website that you're linking to is a creationist site, why would a god create such a weird system? surely being on the outside of a ball is easier all round? (no pun)


    I am God, I like games.

    This is just a cop out. Think of a better answer.


    6) Do you really believe this? Really? If so please explain why, in your view, this explains the obsevable universe better than current empirical evidence


    Give you a couple days of sincere, honestly, empirical study, and get back to me.


    I'll give you the past 31 years of evidence to the contrary thanks


    Don't believe the numbers, they lie.


    What would be the reason to lie about the shape of the earth? Pointless....

    Money makes the world go round, lol.


    This is the first sensible thing you've posted, however if you could explain how deceiving people about the shape of the earth is profitable that would be helpful....


    Why would they want to tell you the truth and loose all that wealth.


    How can anyone make money based on the shape of the earth?? Think about it.

    Keep you stupid so they can make money.


    What do you think the church does?

    I could say the same thing about people with outrageous beliefs, how much of your time and money have you wasted on this?

    NASA is a money making machine. Find out how many corporations are in bed with NASA.


    Didn't Nasa just scrap a whole load of projects and are relying on other countries to take their kit into space?




  4. How does any satellite work? They're all built to orbit at certain distances, the lowest of which goes out to 1240 miles. Telecommunications, weather tracking, television, space telescopes, these all seem to support the Orbiting a Round Earth hypothesis. If not, how are companies and governments spending billions of dollars and accomplishing these technological feats with equipment designed incorrectly?



    Especially if there is a glass ceiling at 70 miles


    Plus, how do explain seasons?


    How do explain volcanic activity if we don't have a core? Not to mention the magnetic poles...


    What's outside the ball?


    How thick is the supposed wall? Could we dig our way out of the universe?


    If the ball is spinning to keep us stuck to the wall, the closer you got the poles the less the effect. You'd feel yourself spinning and fall down/up (if gravity works in this scenario).


    Man, I wish I could Wise up...


    Someone is getting it!


    • @chan00chap that's exactly right!
      TheFoxStevie 1 hour ago
    • its true, if the moon was really a sphere during a full moon the center would be brighter than the edges but its not, its equally bright all around, which makes no sense,




    Oh look, a page that I put in the op...





    Ahhh Welcome back!!


    Please advise the unwise tardo's that post here as to how such a system could work


    I have some immediate problems with it, I will address the main ones....


    1) Wouldn't we see the curvature of the earth in the distance going up into the sky?


    2) How does gravity work if you're inside a ball? Is it like a fairground ride that spins to "stick" you to the wall?


    3) How big would the ball have to be so that when I look up through a powerful telescope I see space instead of the other side of the interior wall of the ball?


    4) How does my sat nav work???? Since everything it's based on is wrong it should fail horribly


    5) Since the website that you're linking to is a creationist site, why would a god create such a weird system? surely being on the outside of a ball is easier all round? (no pun)


    6) Do you really believe this? Really? If so please explain why, in your view, this explains the obsevable universe better than current empirical evidence


    These are just a few, but its a good start

  6. Nothing but threats and personal attacks, no answers, no explanations, no evidence. Is this how knowledge is gained? Really?!


    It's like the ghost of Kim Jong-Il has come back to haunt us. "Accept my outrageous claims and ask no questions, you unwise tardos!"


    You've got to love the phrase "unwise tardo's"


    Thats going into my personal vernacular straight away!

  7. so ronery is the only fitting musical tribute

    I love the fact that he tried to elevate himself to a kind of god-like status - he was like a Bond villain, you just don't get that kind of crazy everyday - Have you listened to the lyrics of the song? The guy cut the entire nation off from the rest of the world and fed them tall tales of how amazing he was, that takes a special kind of crazy



    I'm not. I hope the North Korean people can get a leader who cares a little more about providing food, civil rights, and education for the populace.

    True, but they'll never again have a leader who invents the hamburger or plays golf better than Tiger Woods...

  8. Hi all,


    "There are hints of higher functioning. Like speed reading, photographic memory, high meditation states, 'savant' abilities"

    If this were the case surely remote tribes would all be savants?

    Some of the really remote tribes are not far off the way of life/diet from 30,000 years ago and their brains are the same as ours.


    How would you explain this?


    "Also, people who have a lower level of intelligence don't die out in today's society."


    Replace "also" with "alas":D

  9. Just for once it would be nice if one of these threads were just put out there to test the posters abillty to debate something that is clearly wrong and were done in good humor. I enjoy those from either side of the argument.


    Instead of just stating "this is how it is, you people are idiots" and then leaving...

  10. North Korean state television has announced that their leader, Kim Jong-Il has died last Saturday.


    The big questions are of course: who will be the successor, and will that be someone who will cooperate better or worse with the other regional powers and global powers? It seems that South Korea and Japan are taking no risks, and regard the situation with caution. It seems people are worried that the someone might decide that the attention must be diverted away (scroll down to bottom of article) from the internal lack of stabilty... and what better way to divert the attention away from anything than a war?


    He was mental....





    The song is brilliant!


    In a way, I'm going to miss that crazy guy...

  11. "It's more about, "Hey, I work harder than Bob does, I should get more! And Nancy just answers phones all day, I should get twice the stuff she gets!""


    This happens anyway... not much can be done about it


    "Or maybe I decide that I should only work as hard as Bob does, or get myself transferred to the phone-answering department. I get the same stuff if I do, right?"


    This also happens


    "There's the rub. Who decides? And do those who decide get more than me?"


    This needs to be a fair system (public vote?) that is rotated



    "Frikkin' Bob has a speedboat, why can't I get one? Are we not making speedboats any more?"


    This is a difficult one... Stupid Bob lording it around in his speedboat is ruining my society. I'll have a word with him...



    "See, I'd be OK with a car and a laptop that did what I wanted them to do and nothing more. I like the efficiency of making making every product the absolute best it can be and averaging the cost by making a bajillion of them. But many people wouldn't be satisfied with the same stuff everyone else has."

    They would get used to it, and as time went on we could start to look at improvements to the system



    "I said I'm not picky, not that I'm stupid. If frikkin' Bob gets a speedboat, you better not screw me over! We're all equal now, or so you say. I WANT MY SPEEDBOAT!!!"


    Chill out, I'm gonna sort this for you Phi... (maybe we could all share speedboats?)



    "Obviously, but what if I want the toaster with the twelve different darkness settings instead of the standard eight? And does it come in red, as well as chrome and taupe? "


    We'll get there... once everyone (literally everyone) has the basics, we can improve. Surely you could deal with waiting for your perfect toast if it meant that nobody was starving in Africa right?



    "I actually think there would come a point where people realized that having all the stuff you want isn't necessarily the great thing we think it is."


    Exactly, maybe with the reduced working hours afforded by this system people just be happier with less?



    "Lots of unforeseen obstacles. While I can applaud the efficiency of having a great deal of standardization (oh, the money we could save!), the current free market system ensures that most of what people can afford is available to them, in whatever flavor, color or quality they desire. On the other hand, maybe that's what we really need to outgrow, our need for a variety of "stuff"."


    Some people have nothing and thats not really fair - can you justify your chrome toaster with 12(12! You must really like your toast a certain way...) settings to the starving masses?



    But if the money spent in medicine goes towards cures, not symptom-suppressors, that at least would be a huge savings. As long as the new problems that crop up are approached with the same goal, what's wrong with that?




    On my island. Which is by invitation only.

    Of course, you're all invited. :)


    Lets do it! Where is the island? (can I come with you on your speedboat?)


    I'll pack a bag.....



    Its 2012 nearly and we're still running a system thats centuries old and not designed for the type of world we now live in


    Something needs to change



    Lets do it! Where is the island? (can I come with you on your speedboat?)


    I'll pack a bag.....



    Its 2012 nearly and we're still running a system thats centuries old and not designed for the type of world we now live in


    Something needs to change and where better to sort it all out?


    If science types can't do it who can? :P



    Edit: Quoting has gone a bit wierd... sorry guys

  12. still watch occasionally to see if any of you have wised up yet....



    Wow, this from someone who asserts that we live inside a giant ball?


    How would a system like that even work?


    Terrible idea for a universe...


    Edit: I've just read through the stuff on the website, just another creationist site full of mental "evidence" that everything observable is wrong

  13. What's this "we" - you don't exist lol. Perhaps the imperfections in the program running the simulator are responsible for the strangeness we see in the universe. Things like irrational numbers and the way quantum physics doesn't exactly agree with everyday physics.



    Or, the most obvious:


    1) why toast always lands buttered side down


    2) why I put a pair of socks in the wash and only get 1 sock back...



    The whole place needs debugging

  14. You always run into motivation problems. How much work do you have to do in order to get x number of y products delivered to you? I want a speedboat and a new car and a really good laptop, all the best made quality. Plus I want all the other stuff I buy normally. How much work at what job will get me that? Who decides? Do they get more than I do?


    In theory, if EVERYONE did a productive amount of work, say six hours per day, four days per week, at a job where you were providing goods or services that helped society or managed the distribution of those supplies and services, this type of system might work. There would probably need to be some kind of standardization (since everything isn't "sold" anymore, there wouldn't need to be hundreds of different designs for many products) so we could mass-produce all the new stuff for folks. I'm not a super-picky person though; to me, if a product does what it's supposed to do, does it well and lasts a long time without a lot of maintenance, I don't much care what other bells and whistles it has, or how good it looks. I know there will be some who disagree with this and would always call for more variety.


    There would be a tremendous amount of desire for everything to begin with, since so many have lived without so much for so long. I think you would probably get some kind of Communistic problems that would threaten the collapse of the system. Eventually, you'd probably end up with a Tragedy of the Commons scenario, where people would misuse this ability to get whatever limited resource product or service that's offered. The idea that others are getting more for less will almost always make its way into our psyche and ruin things for all.


    "The idea that others are getting more for less will almost always make its way into our psyche and ruin things for all."


    Tasks could be rotated so that everybody gets a go at every job (within reason - obviously things like "have-a-go brain surgery Tuesday" are a bad idea).


    "How much work do you have to do in order to get x number of y products delivered to you?"


    Everyone gets the same "value" of stuff - there needs to be a value assigned to your contribution to society that is fair


    "I want a speedboat and a new car and a really good laptop, all the best made quality."


    Grow up Phi, of course you can't have a speedboat!:lol:


    Everyone gets a car (generic model) and a laptop and everything else they need to be productive in society. With the now much increased labour force, why shouldn't they?


    "I'm not a super-picky person though"

    Good, you won't miss the speedboat too much then...


    "I know there will be some who disagree with this and would always call for more variety."


    There would have to be some variety to accomodate peoples needs (sizes and things)


    "There would be a tremendous amount of desire for everything to begin with, since so many have lived without so much for so long."


    Once you get past the initial rush, you can start to just maintain and improve peoples quality of life


    "Eventually, you'd probably end up with a Tragedy of the Commons scenario, where people would misuse this ability to get whatever limited resource product or service that's offered."


    Things would need to be carefully managed, but after a while it should settle into a decent workable system (?)

  15. I think "free will" needs definition. Whilst I have made a choice to write this, that choice had lots of boundaries, set by my culture, friends and family. Plus the presure on my time and my needs (food etc.) and my fear that I'm talking rubbish in the eyes of my peers. My aparent free will has been moulded. Then stir into the mix my reactions to hormones, drugs and different foods, So how free is my will.



    Another good point - although the examples you've mentioned could be attributed to determinism


    "My aparent free will has been moulded"

    If free will is an illusion - but the illusion is perfect - is it still free will?


    It will still feel like free will

  16. given that at the moment we have one choice for a political party

    take it or leave it and all that changes is the colour of the party

    why do we not make our own political party


    why not punt your ideas for a better fairer society

    we do have the right to stand for election and we also have a majority of the country who are sick of politicians sucking up to bankers


    small ideas and political parties do and have in the past changed the world


    so lets get some ideas going and who know we could have a bigger effect than we could imagine


    :blink: Revolution?!



    Not only that, with a scientific approach taken to changing a scociety (rather than economics and capitolism, which are quite short sighted and are already showing signs of failing), You'd think we could sort this whole mess out in a few decades

  17. I contemplated this idea once. The closest thing I could find to nothing is the space between electron orbits. This is the only true vacuum I could come up with. Nothing exists there, not even time. The electrons quantum leap right over it and never skip a beat. Complete and absolute energy obselent distance.



    I'd be willing to bet that there's something there

  18. Imagine if someone like Einstein would've had even a few hundred years to continue pondering GR or related topics in physics.


    I speculate that a lifespan that long might make "geniuses" exponentially more fruitful in the new knowledge they create over their career.



    Imagine Davinchi, Newton and Einstein still here today

  19. So the question in this thread is between whether or not we have a choice on our own or that the reason we make that choice is, because in reality it's the only choice? Determinism by definition is making a choice because there is no other. I found it interesting in the link that was provided in the 1st post. The psychologist had asked people to make a voluntary movement and observed that there brain sent the message for movement before they were concious of the decision. I could understand using this to base an argument against free will if the brain signaled before he asked for the movement, but as soon as he asked, the brain already new what it's job was. And to say that we only choose our actions because there are no other options would make 2/3 or more of our reality fiction. If given three options, by definition of determinism, 2 out of the three would be imaginary. Not to mention determinism or fate or whatever you want to call it is kind of supernatural. If there is a determined path, then a higher power with infinitely more insight than us would have to determine that path. Now that I look at it that way, those who don't believe in a creator of some sort should automatically believe in free will.



    "determinism or fate or whatever you want to call it is kind of supernatural"


    No, not at all. Determinism says that the state of things as they are now directly affect

    the way they will be in a given time frame. It's all down to physics and not in any way supernatural.

    Picture the demolition of a building, a charge is placed at the base of the building and detonated. Given enough information we could potentially model the entire collapse with 100% accuracy - Charge detonates with X force in Y direction causing piece 1 to travel in direction B at velocity C (not The C) hitting piece 2, piece 2 travels.... and so on....Cause and effect.



    "If given three options, by definition of determinism, 2 out of the three would be imaginary."


    This is an interesting point though... Once the choice has been made the others are imaginary... I'll have to think about this.


    "Now that I look at it that way, those who don't believe in a creator of some sort should automatically believe in free will."


    No, I don't think this is true at all.


    Also oddly, it's the people who do believe in a ctreator that are the ones who tend to go with free will. After all, its in the Book.

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