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Posts posted by Mrl4

  1. I have made up my mind on biomedical engineering

    thanks for your answers



    But I still need your opinion on one more thing: what do you think about the whole major/minor in BME?

    I am asking this question because i am entering a french university, and the system is totally different from the american system.


    There are no classes that you choose and all that... The degree comes as it is, you can't skip credits or choose different ones in order to graduate.

    So there is no such a thing as minor/major. It's a degree. And the BME degree is undergraduate. For graduate degrees i can go into tissue engineering, genetic engineering... as a masters degree.


    And I've seen that in the important universities such as McGill and MIT, the BME is a minor for other engineering majors...

    What do you think about that?

  2. So now I am in my senior year in high school and I have pretty good grades (I can make it in both majors), but I am not quite sure of what to major in...


    I have 2 things in mind right now: pharmacy and biomedical engineering


    People who actually told my pharmacy is a good major for later on, were actually from an older generation (50-60 yrs old). the ones who thought engineering in general (not necessarily biomedical) were in their 20s-30s.


    That's why i've come here to ask your opinion, the opinion of people who majored in one of those areas, and your thoughts about each one, as well as the working fields.



    I would prefer to know about the situation on a global scale because i am not in the US or Europe. But all answers are welcome.

  3. i dont know if it also works with buccal swabs but it does work with onions:


    in a pestle and mortar, bash the cells with some rock salt (just a little bit).


    then, strain the mixture with a cloth, and add ethanol to the extracted liquid. a white filament should appear. it's dna :)

  4. Do you think soda would do the trick?


    PS: I know this question is out of context but can I ask you this: What did you major in? because I am really interested in chemistry but I don't want to go into chemistry alone (I'm thinking about PharmD now and I'm still not sure). And it says that you are a chemistry expert, and you always anwser the questions I post here. Thank you :)

  5. What the hell does science have to do with Christianity?!


    Science is just a generalization of specific events, it's just rules for things that happen every day, like when you throw a ball or make statistics... sometimes it's only theories that are false, and other times it's things that are true. It has nothing to do with religion. Maybe getting sucked into it and caring about nothing else takes you far from your religious side but other than that there's nothing to it.


    Personally, I think that science is just human beings discovering how this world works. And technology, it's just making everyday life easier. I mean, even if you don't like it, you need it, or else you will get behind all the others. Technology began in the perspective of making life easier, but it's gotten too far where companies try to surpass others and innovate only for financial profit (in terms of robots replacing humans and such). But when technology is beneficial for you, then why not.

    Let's not get carried away and insulting others based on prejudice and lack of information.

  6. I just saw in my chemistry book this equation:


    H2O2 +2I+ 2H+---> 2H2O + I2


    My question is: If I put table salt (NaCl + KI) in water with some lemon juice/vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, could I get an iodine solution? (of course still containing some of the vingar/juice and Na+, Cl- and K+)


    Or would I get something else? Or even nothing at all?


    I would have tried it myself but the hydrogen peroxide I have is old so it's basically water now.



  7. There are lots of jobs for chemists. Drug companies are only one of the major industries that need chemists. If you want to do research a PhD is highly recommended. Many research jobs require one and it is a big plus for any research job.



    So what major do you recommend to start with? Is PharmD good in this situation? And how long would it take to get to the PhD?



  8. Not having received many answers, I'd like to ask whether pharmaceuticals are a good field or not. Will it grow in the future?<BR>And is PharmD a good major? <BR>I'm not in the US, so it would be preferable that you tell me about the situation in Europe and the UAE. However, all answers are welcome.<BR>Thanks!

  9. Like you just said, you want to have a backup plan involving business...

    I don't think a science major (that is not very general) would hold you back.

    You see, anyone can do business not just business majors. It's quite easy, you just need a sense of management and numbers, statistics... If you could pull it off in a science major, you would probably succeed in business without the major. You could maybe need some advisors or something like that.



  10. heavy water and normal water have slightly different boiling point: heavy water boils at 101 degrees C, while normal water boils at 100. You should have a very precise heater. That way you can make the normal water evaporate, and get heavy water.:rolleyes:


    this is not fully reliable :P but you could always try...

  11. ok so a few days ago, i put some turmeric powder which was a bit old in water. then, i added eau de javel (which is a solution of NaClO and NaCl). the solution turned red. after a while, it became yellow again. could it be some kind of acid-base reaction? because that's what happens when we titrate acid/base solutions: the color of the indicator becomes transparent but then returns to its original color until we reach equivalence. could this be the same? :blink:

  12. LOL. I think I have a bigger chance in becoming a teacher rather than a political figure.

    Actually, I find it interesting to work in the research department but I don't know where (what kind of companies have such a position as chemical researcher...). And is it well-paid? Are there enough jobs out there?



  13. I am now in my last year of school and I have to start sending applications to universities in the next couple of months. The problem is that I don't know what to major in, and I don't want to skip any years (gap year). I really love chemistry but I don't want to end up being a chemistry teacher and would like to make some good money.

    What majors involve the following subjects: Chemistry (mostly), Physics and Maths (both less than chemistry)?

    I gave PharmD a thought but apparently working in the industry is pretty hard: you have to work over-time, the work conditions aren't that pretty and your job isn't that secure in the large firms. I also love experimenting with new chemicals and creating new ones...

    What do you think would be a good major for me?

    Thanks. :)



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