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    Theoritical Physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Dr.Young's double slit experiment. I am a 14 yr old teenager who is fascinated by Physics.I want to conduct the double slit experiment, I will require your help. 1)I want to conduct the experiment using electrons.(the one by Clauss Jonsson in 1961) 2)Will it be possible to use the electron guns of the old TFT monitors? 3)I am planning to show the experiment in a Science fair, So Can I show them the working or just the results? 4)The Experiment will be conducted in vacuum so What will be the vacuum container?Would glass work(Will light interfere with the electrons?) 5)Please add as much as details as possible as I have no help.The more the specific the better. 6)Your help will be appreciated & the helper will be listed as a special contributor in my experiment. Thanks for your time Gratitude.
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