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  • Lepton

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  1. But that wouldn't be the same, because they would remember that colours, and be able to imagine it
  2. Someone told me once that you could kill yourself using just your mind. I think there could be some truth to this, there are people who can control their heartbeats. What do you think? How much power does the mind have?
  3. I meant we obviously get used to colours after we are born but i meant what would the mental impact be? Because a baby doesn't understand things in that sense i wondered what would happen if this was done to an adult. Technically it is impossible for us to imagine a new colour, probably new colours we imagine will just be mixtures of the colours we know, so i wondered what would happen.
  4. Nearly 2 months about 4 times, and normally i stay awake for 2 days then sleep for 4 hours. And of the 2 month times i remember every single second clearly. I make friends online on the other side of the world, that way, there's always someone on msn lol. The "official" record for not sleeping is about 10 days i think, but a man called Thai Ngoc apparently hasn't slept for 30 years which i'm not sure about. But i don't think we actually need sleep to survive, sure it'll majorly screw us up but i don't think we need it. Because there is a disease called "fatal insomnia" where the affected don't sleep until they die, but recently it was found it wasn't the lack of sleep that killed them it was plaque building up in their brain, also the disease is similiar to mad cow disease.
  5. If a person was prevented from seeing or knowing about a certain colour until they were an adult and then that colour was revealed to them, what do you think would happen? Do you think they would go insane? How would your mind cope with that?
  6. I just thought of something about time paradoxes and i haven't heard anyone say this but it seems really obvious... I thought that if you were able to travel through time and then you went back with the intent of killing your dad before you were born it would simply be impossible to kill him. I'm not saying the universe "protects itself" by stopping you creating a time paradox, i'm saying that if you had killed your dad before you were born then you wouldn't have been born, thus not existing to kill him in the first place. So if you went back in time wanting to kill him you would know for definite that you couldn't, SOMETHING would stop you no matter what. Another thing i thought about was, if you said to yourself "if i ever made a time machine i would go back in time and give it to myself" then you would know for definite if you were going to make one or not because if you had you already would of met yourself. Something else about this supports my theory of time, say you did create a time machine in the future (well you didn't, you'll understand in a minute), then made a copy of it and brought them both back to the present to give one to yourself then go off on an adventure or whatever. So the "present" you has already planned for this, and also goes on an adventure or whatever, knowing you have to at some point create the time machine. Of course, you can just go straight there, and then you realise you have a time machine to copy which makes the process much faster. So you make an extra one and then go back and give one to yourself then go on an adventure (the same one as the "first" you had). This lead me to think that that will keep on happening infinite times, and that there are an infinite number of you. Also you may have realised that you didn't at ANY point create the time machine. It's kind of like the chicken and the egg, if this were to happen it could just appear out of nowhere, but that suggests to me that if time travel WERE possible, it might start around this century, because we probably have the tools to copy a time machine around now, though i may be wrong about this. Which leads me to my theory of time, which i've thought for a while now. It's that in our universe time is made up of infinite "frames" of time, the only way i can explain it is an animation which is made up of frames. This would explain the infinite cycle of the person getting the time machine then going back to himself, giving himself the time machine, then that person would go and do the same thing and it would go on forever. My theory of time is like, say in one "frame" of time 9/11 is happening, but it wouldn't go like an animation, each frame would "stay within itself" and would continue, it wouldn't flow between them, but each one frame is a tiny bit more forward in time. I know i said infinite frames, and i know the space between frames couldn't be infinitely small, but i really don't know how many frames per second time runs at (lol). So those are a few of my ideas, just wanted to know what anyone thought although i'm probably completely wrong lol.
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