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  1. surely someone has suggested that there may be a universe cycle. Why can't the big bang have been the result of say a super massive blackhole, which eventually sucked in all the matter in the universe and then collapsed in on itself. So once everything had been consumed by the super massive black hole, it itself was the only thing left so it consumed or folded in on itself. Then just as everything in the universe was compressed into a tiny dense pea sized ball at the bottom of the once black hole, the laws of physics broke down resulting in the massive explosion (the big bang) to restart the universe cycle once again. I just think cause there are so many cycles in life and the universe why can't the universe in itself be a cycle, i mean it may be a 30 billion year cycle but why not. I'm not a brainiac or anything so if someone has suggest this before in the world of physics I would love to know what people thought and if it was given any merrit!!
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