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  1. SCIENCE VS RELIGION -- James Ph. Kotsybar Einstein wasbrilliant, we all can agree. He opened up newpossibility with the Theory Of Relativity he found in his questfor simplicity. His equation, E=mc2, is a well-acceptedreality; there is no doubt howwell it has fared in destruction andpracticality. Most people knowthis, but don’t understand the mathematics anddon’t even try to comprehend a mindthat was so grand. They claim theirbrains simply don’t qualify. Yet these same folksdon’t even think it’s odd to claim theyunderstand the mind of God. SCIENTIFIC TESTAMENT -- James Ph. Kotsybar A scientist trusts in whathas been proved through repeatedexperimentation. Assertions of faith willleave him unmoved until they have achievedvalidation. Religious beliefs often leavehim cold and skeptical of professedprophecies based mostly on hearsay andtales twice-told, not carefully testedhypotheses. This doesn’t make him anatheist, though. He’s more like an investigativesleuth who seldom proclaims things hedoesn’t know, since he’s a stalwart apostleof truth. He’ll all too gladly applyhis method, should God allow Himself tobe tested.
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