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Posts posted by morgsboi

  1. I know things like water, glass and diamond slow light down but I was wondering about something like this.

    If you shine directed light (like a laser) at a moving object will the distance be a constant or variable with the time being constant? So would that be changing the speed of light?

    I will reply to any questions about the theory.

  2. Do you mean the time it takes for your brain to process it after thought?


    Having just had a drink I'm going to put down my glass of water.

    I could put it at the left hand end of the table. I could put it at the right hand end.

    I could put it half way, or a quarter of the way or an eighth....

    I have an infinite number of choices (give or take the Planck Length).


    But it would just start getting impossible for humans alone to tell the difference of where the glass is.

  3. This website tried downloading a virus so i decided to ping it and shut off the server using CMD. I used "ping (website)" to get the statistics and ip address and the i used the "ping (ip address) -t -l 1000" command and the packets went over to the server and i left it for a few hours and the website didn't even lag.

    And I don't think its the website itself because I've tried it on a few different websites but nothing big like google or youtube.


    So whats going wrong??


  4. Can you gather evidence that supports your idea? Big Bang theory has a lot of evidence that says it wasn't a blast or an explosion, it was an expansion. And abiogenesis theory has fossil evidence of microbe-like objects a billion years after the earth was formed, which was 10 billion years after the Big Bang, so pressure from the mass of a black hole pushing molecules together to form life seems improbable. Abiogenesis also has evidence of a chemical reaction creating life, not pressure. Present day life is evidence that massive pressure isn't required.


    If your theory is "impossible to know", then it really can't be scientific. Science needs evidence for support, testable ideas that make predictions. A theory is only a theory when it's the best current explanation. As mooeypoo pointed out, what does your idea explain better than current theory does?


    Well have you ever heard of the Miller-Urey experiment? He uses water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), and hydrogen (H2)to form 20 different amino acids. Heres the link:


  5. Ok, so was this like a parallel universe, which isn't very logical, or part of a bubble verse, which is seemingly too far away spatially to be reasonable?


    Well I can't answer that because its impossible to know. My theory is very basically a big pile of dense mass was dumped out from a white hole and exploded.

  6. Yeah, white holes, that's the ticket! However, since black holes really aren't holes and just dense conglomerations of matter, I have a really hard time seeing it through. Where is this other place, dimension, universe, etc?

    Well the other universe and dimension would be through and on the other side of the wormhole. The other universe would be impossible to reach from our universe without going through a wormhole because it's like another section of infinity.


  7. Ok so this came to me today. Basically, i think the big bang was created by a black hole in another universe got so dense it blasted a hole in the fabric of time and space sucking it through a wormhole and blasting the extremely dense mass through the wormhole and out the other end into "our universe". And because the density of the mass was so great, it could only blast the extreme energy out causing the big bang. I think that life on Earth is actually because as the mass of the black hole was so great it compressed different molecules together, and by chance created life.

    Any thoughts?


    By Morgan McCallum Bailey.

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