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Posts posted by alextui

  1. java or dot net, either way works.


    Hello i am final year student in the university. and thinking of my project topic, i decided to design an intranet for the school and i want to know which is the best programming language or CMS to use. also are there any optional and/or better project topic to take?

  2. for(int i=0; i<=linearray.length; i++){

    // get word from array at first

    String word = linearray;

    //then use word to query the hashtable

    Object o = targetHashTable.get(word);

    //if the result is not null, it means there is a hit.


    //product the result



  3. Change this:

    for(Enumeration<String> e = hashtable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(){
    		Object obj = e.nextElement();
    		System.out.println("- Element(" + obj + ") = " + hashtable.get(obj) + "\n");


    into this:


    for(String key = hashtable.keyset()){
    Object obj = hashtable.get(key);
    System.out.println("- Element(" + key + ") = " + obj + "\n");

  4. Are you expect a brute force algorithm or an optimized one? If you want an optimized one, we need to know more detail/ property of those atom or structure.


    here is the brute force one:


    Assuming all atoms is in array atom[x]
    for each atom[i]
        for each atom[j]
            if(i==j) next;
       end for
    end for

  5. Actually all of the programming language are the same, once you control one, you will control all of them.The difference between them is the syntax or features. The key for being a good programmer is how your mind is working. That is why , when you apply a job at google, they only test your ability for solving a problem.

    Personally i think you can start it from java.

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