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  1. So, I am a freshman in highschool, and I have this theory. But I need someone WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING, to test this for me, or find flaws. Please have an open mind. Okay, so take a pencil. Place it in front of you. Now, divide the pencil in half, divide one of the half's by half, and so on and so on. Do that about 8000mil times. You just keep dividing and dividing. There is NO end to the dividing. You can divide the lines forever. This is (what I believe) the meaning of "Infinity". There is no end, and we can not even began to comprehend it. So take this infinity, and take the odds THAT ARE POSSIBLE. For instance, the odds that you will grow a giant bird wing and fly, is 0/0. Humans can not do that, odds are impossible. Now, take the odds that a bird will dive and hit you on the head. The odds are about 1/100000000000000. But, there IS an odd. If infinity, is forever, than it has all the outcomes of all POSSIBLE odds. So is it possible that, if you keep on dividing the line, (or pencil), sense all the odds get opened up, there could be universes. Is that what our universe is? Just something tiny in something else. And it keeps going, it does not have an end, it does not have a beguining, it is infinity. Forever. All of the possible outcomes come true. Or, if this is also already a theory, (which if it is, I am not aware), please give me the name of it so i can began to study it. Thank you! -Matt (sry for any misspells,i dont have alot of time!)
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