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Everything posted by Meglab

  1. thanks for the answer, What I am exactly looking for is the kind of interaction each specefic amino acid can make in protein-protein interaction. In other words, I want to know for instance that: - valine can make a hydrophobic interaction with another hydrophobic AA. - serine can make a hydrogen bond through the presence of OH group. .... This kind of info can be guessed or found in some specefic examples, but I didn't find data describing all kinds of interactions each AA (one by one) can have. This may simplify answering some questions like: can a negatively charged AA intercat with asparagine ? Maybe I should look as u said in orgnic chemistry books rather than biochemistry ones. Regards,
  2. Hi, In many articles describing a protein-protein interactrion we notice the explanation of the bonds (hydrogen, hydrophobic...) that a group of AA can make with their counterparts in the interacting protein. However, I found no review or book describing amino acid interactions in general (in protein-protein interactions and not in tertiary structure of a protein), at each time it is description of specefic case in a research article. Ant suggestion ? Thanks
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