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Everything posted by Erina

  1. I read online that the kinetic energy from cold liquid hitting a high temperature dry surface dislodges protein stuck to the base of the pan, in the process known as deglazing: Is that right ?
  2. Well I'm glad you lot don't know as well. Still, many avenues of understanding to pursue that a young mind can comprehend (as well as myself). Thanks to all !
  3. Glass reflects all visible light depending on how it catches it. But, can glass be laser cut to a specific angle, or treated, to reflect a specific wavelength of light e.g. red ? Similar to annealing stainless steel (heating it to create an oxide layer) which gives steel "colour".
  4. I would like to explain what is going on here, but I don't know how: Is the steam from boiling water forcing itself out from the narrow gaps between the existing ice in the tube to force it out ?
  5. Could hand held motor be powered from the resonance of power supply cabling behind a dry-wall ? Nothing hardcore, but enough to get it going; as if connected to a 9V battery.
  6. I have been researching the different kinds of food storage jars which reduce the amount of contact oxygen has with the contents of the jar, I found the a manual plunger style from Prepara to be the most simple, over their mechanical rivals, which use a levers or other intricate mechanisms. It's such a clever design, but since their launch demand has decreased to the point that they've begun thinning the glass containers, and now their slogan reads that only food safe BPA-free plastic touches the food (rather than only glass and food grade stainless steel), which I have a problem with, along with the prices and the fact that the one way valve mechanism cannot be deconstructed to be cleaned.. Prepare food plunger: I would therefore like to make my own, how hard can it be? I would like to use a Weck jar (because of it's strait sides and all glass design) and just push down a plunger with a food grade silicone flange to achieve a seal, one that can easily be cleaned, does anybody know of a DIY tutorial for this ?
  7. A common issue with thin polymer film. But, given its current state, what would be the reason for it's low profile ?
  8. Glancing over at the face shield that I have, I notice how pleasing it is to the eye i.e. it's not really intrusive. Is that because of it's low refractive index, or that the edges are curved and have less possibility of catching the light to reflect back at me, I suspect that it's a combination of the two ?
  9. After sixteen days airing by the window under natural daylight (this time of the year there is no UV to mention, and it's cold, so not direct heat either) I found, even directly under my nose, that I could only faintly detect the original rubber synthetic odour. Also, does anybody know if monopropylene glycol would have been a usable substitute, only the cost to quantity and availability from Amazon made so much more sense.
  10. I came across this short illustrative demonstration of pressure exchange, but I can't explain what is going on: https://imgur.com/FfWg4GU How do I explain this please ?
  11. I have not requested the MSDS, but would like to know if obtained from vegetable origin (monopropylene glycol) would suffice for my use, rather than pharma grade: https://www.amazon.co.uk/MPG-Monopropylene-Glycol-VARIOUS-PureChem/dp/B06W2GZCN7/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=propylene+glycol&qid=1607081486&s=industrial&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFYV0dQWldCV1ZNRlomZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAyMTM2MzFFMDVCRElLMFlRVUUmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDM0NDIyNVZXRFdUWVE1VEVZRiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  12. So this will supplant the scent, or remove it?
  13. Unfortunately this time of the year it’s quite dark in the winter, mostly raining, with low single digit temperatures and frosty - otherwise sun bleaching would probably work. Unsure of the the specific chemical formula for the particular type of Thermoplastic that I have, it would likely be general exposure to heat or UV light that would work, as you say.
  14. Often now pencil erasers are made from Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR), but they give off a factory fresh smell and I would like to know if there is a quick and convenient method of neutralising it ? I know that with silicone products any scents are usually embedded oils and can be encourage to the surface to be wiped away, would the same process be possible with TPR ?
  15. I found an American study online which shows the following : "The FL, traditionally used in growth rooms, led to higher growth rates and deposition of S and G lignins, greater cellulose content, and higher expression of cellulose-synthase 4 (BbCESA4) and cellulose-synthase 7 (BdCESA7) genes." ref: https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/5909483
  16. The problem is the wavelength, the cost and controlled conditions, all of which I cannot meet. Unless it is practiced in industry then it's too much of a long shot for me right now, unfortunately.
  17. It was more the understanding of how to figure it out that I wanted to know. However, calculating from an average is ultimately the right approach, as well as experimenting with different fluids.. Thanks for your help.
  18. It's a mixture of the two, Wikipedia lists oxygen as a main catalyst requirement for growth, but in the sun had me worried. Do you know if an artificial light source such as LED light would have a similarly positive effect, and if there is a wavelength of which would not damage the bacteria, but still allow growth ?
  19. That's a sound approach. I just did the experiment again with 10 litres of tap water, with a 16mm ID pipe (1 metre long) handing about 15cm below the bottom of the container, which emptied itself in 49 second (we'll call it 50sec), which was one 1 litre every 30 seconds. I was sure to hold the submerged orifice to the side to allow the maximum flow of water after I noticed it struggling
  20. Watching this video of how easy it is to syphon, I was wondering of how to calculate the rate of flow, but I couldn't find out because I needed to know the velocity, but have no idea? video : It seems that the rate of flow has an arc as it slows down once approaching an equilibrium. However, in my own test I didn't syphon into a container, but down the sink, so the flow would have remained constant. All I know is the Density of the water at 0.99975cm3 at 10°C, and the inner diameter of my pipe being 16mm. Every equation online asks for information I do not have, or that of which I cannot figure out. How do I calculate how fast the water is flowing (in my experiment with no collection beaker, but down the drain) please ?
  21. With over the counter white vinegar commonly consisting of 5% Acetic Acid, the rest water, would long term exposure to natural sunlight UV rays have any detrimental affect on the solution for use shifting average dirt in a household setting ?
  22. Direct sunlight usually has a detrimental affect on chemical substances, but I have been reliably informed that the growth of Acetobacter (Mycoderma aceti or "Mother") in Apple Cider Vinegar can be accelerated when exposed to UV light (A/B?). Is there evidence that UV can accelerate Mother growth, and will it damage the nutrients in the acidic vinegar solution ?
  23. Well, forget Bermuda Triangle then, I think that I must have conflated the two as they have a similar effect, but yes the Van Allen Belt. Would you say that the resulting gap in that part of the magnetic field was linked to a hole in the ozone layer? I understand they're different layers, but is there a link?
  24. Am I correct in assuming that the South Atlantic anomaly (“Bermuda Triangle”) is part of a series of pole reversals around Earth; whereby it will nullify the magnetic field around its geographical sphere of influence i.e. an ozone layer hole ? If so, then the CFC ban in place during the 1990s was not the cure, nor the ailment, for an ozone hole, would that be correct ?
  25. Thanks guys. Looks like Shape Moiré for my application. I just discovered an entire genre of domestic lighting now !
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