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Posts posted by Semjax

  1. So I got to thinking and as odd as it may be I started thinking about Cross breeding between different forms of mammals, more specifically the Mammals who are a lot like each other, such as Wolves and Wild cats, and other such animals. The thought then developed into a larger sense, If nature demands to adapt or die, and the Endangered species in the world were forced to adapt, wouldn't you think that nature would give them a way to reproduce? Granted this is just theory and speculation, and half thought out. But I was wanting your opinions on this, also I know that you can cross-breed those of the same species, that's not what I'm talking about =).

  2. So I was watching the youtube Discovery Channel Segment on the 'Mega-Tsunami' which scientists have predicted would travel over the entire Atlantic to devastate at least 12 miles inland of the entire eastern coast from New York to Miami. I'm not skeptical of this, not by a long shot especially considering that it has happened before and will happen again most likely, but the skepticism lies with my friends who believe that the attempt to say that a wave would travel over the entire Atlantic ocean is nearly impossible, and beyond that would kill basically all life on the planet due to the massive shift in the Eco System due to its major shift of water. So I was wondering what everyone else's opinion of it is, since I can't successfully talk about it with my friends because most don't care, and the one that does care brings religion into it.

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