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Posts posted by dshea241

  1. Please be patient enough to read all of this especially if you have expertise. I'm sorry that this is such a long post but I did read everything here and after reading everything here is my response starting with replies and then going on to the questions.

    But if our universe is like a baloon, outside that balloon of what we know, our universe, how could there be an infinite void? There has to be something there eventually. That is an awefully conceited veiw. Our universe is the only area that is that has anything in it. Mathmatically speaking the area of our universe is a speck in the infinite expanse of space. The same way you and i are specks in the universe. You want to tell me that in pin-prick in space is where all the mass is. All the energy is. All the everything is.


    Not possible...


    Why do you think an infinite void is impossible but an infinite universe is possible? Why does the infinite void even have to be outside of the baloon, the universe is expanding in all directions. Where does the space that comes between us and the expanding universe come from? I put to you that it comes from the infinite void thats inside the baloon.


    What's outside the universe?? I LOVE this one!!

    You can't say there is a void or just nothing outside our universe. Because even nothing not even a void could exist outside it.

    So to be accurate you've got to say, there's nothing at all not even nothing outside out universe, haven't you??


    Very interesting. So by saying that a "true" void exists outside of our universe, your actualy saying that the universe is infinite? Sort of like a double negative in english (the universe is not not infinite) Or in other words, since nothing, not even nothing exists outside our universe then our universe doesn't have a nothing outside of it so the universe actualy doesn't end because it always has itself outside of it! Sorry if what I wrote is confusing but i'm sure you get my point.



    These are a few different thoughts I came up with while reading through all of this. I hope someone can clear some of the questions and ideas I had. Please for any of my points correct me if i'm flat out wrong, or bring another point of view to the table if you simply disagree.


    In 10000 years we will be able to see 10000 lightyears deeper into space. Our limit in looking back is time rather then distance. Would the universe become more like Olbers' paradox the further into the future we get?



    This pre imagery should help you relate to what i'm about to try and exlain, visualize the next sentence and then read the next paragraph. Imagine looking at a spherical mirrored surface and what kind of reflection you see.


    Lets say we could travel to the edge of the universe, and we travel from the edge of the universe at an angle 90 degress to the edge of the universe in a spaceship. As we proceeded into the "edge" of the universe I can imagine our ship being streched out in a kind of implosion/explosion where we cover the surface of the edge of the universe kind of like my mirrored ball example, wrap around the "edge" of the universe.


    Maybe the universe is perspectivly flat (that whole 1, 1.5 WMAP shape of the universe stuff) but in reality is a Möbius "Sphere". Or is there math that goes against that idea?


    If the universe is infinite then that would imply that it was always infinite. So was space infinite when it was a singularity or was there a switch (not infinite/infinite).


    If space cureves in on it's self (if we could travel far enough we end up where we started). Would we be able to see into our own past. Also gravity seems to propagate at the speed of light, in the future would our gravity eventualy pull ourselves toward ourselves? And if that is the case I would think it would do so from all directions?


    Maybe light doesn't travel, maybe light only seems to travel because gravity is pulling the light towards it. (slightly off topic)


    My understanding of all these posts is that our universe may be a contained thing without any boundries. In other words, the universe isn't bounded "in" something, but at any given moment the universe is a mesurable size (though it is expanding). The idea that if you travel enough you end up where you started, well in a way that makes the edge of the universe a sort of half way point between your starting point and your ending point and then the end only depends on where you define the beggining.



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