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Posts posted by kellbrook

  1. Basically small stuff like CO2, O2 and NO can diffuse through the membrane as well as small non-polar molecules. Water does, too however the rate is higher than normal diffusion would allow. The reason is the presence of porins that are permissible to water.



    okay so tissue like skeletal muscle get nutrients which go through capillaries(paracellularly), and these capillaries are sigle layered. i know some veins or maybe arteries have cappilaries running through them. but some of them don't right? th veins and arteries are multilayered composed of smooth muscle cells and others. for the veins and arteries that don't have cappillaries running through them, i think i know how the cells in the innermost layer get nutrients, but how does nutrient get to cell layers that are not in direct contact with blood, does nutrient go between(paracellular) or through(transcellular) the cells of the inner layers? also the outermost layer does not allow nutrient flow from the intravascular to the extravascular or from the extravascular to the intravascular right?

  2. just found out ,red blood cells unload oxygen into plasma, plasma carrying oxygen unloads oxygen into cells


    normally if you get a cut the scab turns black logically because of red blood cells, but what if the cut is into an avascular layer like epidermis would th scab turn black or stay yellow from less or lack of red blood cells?



  3. No, they have different physiological effects and cannot be used interchangeably. However, chemically they can be inter converted to each other rather easily.

    [/quote thanks i also asked another question in biology section title muscle cells , nerve cells can you try to answer it? thanks

  4. nitrous oxide is used for anesthesia, can nitric oxide be used for anesthesia? nitric oxide causes vasodilation, can nitrous oxide cause vasodilation? can inhaled nitrous oxide be metabolized to nitric oxide? or vice versa?

  5. i know there are sodium leak channels for inward flow into cell and there voltage gated sodium channels for inward flow into cell, but are there sodium leak channels for outward flow? and are there voltage gated sodium channels for outward flow?


    i know there are calcium leak channels for inward flow, and calcium voltage gated channels for inward flow,but are there calcium leak channels for outward flow? and are there calcium voltage gated channels for outward flow?


    i know there leak channels for potassium outward flow and potassium voltage agted channels for outward fflow,but are there leak channels for potaasium inward flow? and are there potassium voltage gated channled for outward flow?

  6. i was reading it says some sensory neurons don't convert external stimuli to action potential, instead it releases neurotransmitters, but what do they mean when they say it converts the stimuli into continuous graded potential? isn't this the same as an action potential?




    what are some examples of nonexcitable cells?


    do all neurons have voltage gated sodium channels?


    does fast sodium channels just another word for voltage gated sodium channels?

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