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About CoryDuchesne

  • Birthday 09/04/1980

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Realizing what I once thought was important is actually trivial. Distancing myself from the trivial. Donig things that make me feel important.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physics, Chemistry and Psychology
  • Biography
    Everything I do is born out of a sense of lack. I presently struggle to confidently distinguish the important from the trivial. This could change any day now.
  • Occupation
    Up and coming Sage - still working out the kinks


  • Lepton

CoryDuchesne's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Here's an explanation for how a simple battery works: I just don't understand why the electrons find it easier to combine with the hydrogen on the carbon rod. The electrons are orbiting the hydrogen atoms on the zinc rod. Why would they want to move?
  2. I realize that this number is the amount of atoms in a mole. But does anyone have any idea how that figured that out way back in the 1800's?
  3. This could (almost as meaningfully) be stated in reverse: "The history of the chemistry behind technology's evolution." Hello everyone! It's been along time since I've been to this forum, and my interest in the history and evolution of chemistry is still with me. Does anyone here share my interest in the evolution of chemistry? And if so, do you recommend any books that might satiate my hunger to know? To be as specific as possible, I want to know about the technologies that made chemistry possible. I think that the successful isolation of each element involved a unique technique. Although, in regards to metals like copper, gold, silver and the like, a single, specific technique (smelting) enabled the discovery of multiple metallic elements. I think the simplest technique for isolating an element is probably the way primitive peoples once isolated carbon, as carbon was likely the first element that humanity successfully isolated. I understand how they did that. I also have a general understanding of smelting. But beyond that, my understanding is pretty shaky, and I think that's because as humanity moved beyond smelting, the techniques and technology became increasingly subtle and sophisticated. So are there any books out there that chronical the evolution of chemistry and the evolution of the technology that made our knowledge of chem possible? It's the symbiotic relationship between technology and chemistry that fascinates me. Thanks.
  4. First off, Is the act of bonding always a reaction? And does the act of reaction always lead to bonding? My intuition tells me that a reaction MUST either create a compound or break a compound apart into elements, and that there is no chemical reaction without this creation or destruction of bonds. How does that sound? Secondly, I have some inquires about 'chemical equation/notation' Does the presentation of the equation differ depending on the type of chemical bonding taking place(ionic, covalent, etc)? Can the same two elements bond in two different ways? Or do specific types of bonding apply to specific combinations of elements, and vice versa? I'm aware of that there are two major types of bonds: Intramolecular Bonds – Strong (Bonds within the molecule) Covalent Bonds Ionic Bonds Metallic Bonds Intermolecular Bonds - Weak (Bonds between molecules) Hydrogen Bonds Van der Waals Forces Molecule-Ion Attractions I'm basically just wondering if strong and weak bonds occur only among certain types of elements. Regards, Cory
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