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  1. okay thanks for the answers even if I don't understand everything because it's a bit complicated for me. I'm not a scientist so I use only my intuitive judgement. So ok but I still have some thought that I can't explain why and i would like to understand Speed does not makes sonic boom because isn't subject to acceleration /decelerration. Speed of light = x in the air and y in the water for example. So it passes from x to y without any decc/ acc right ?I can understand just with a yes lol
  2. okay thanks a lot. tho now I'm wondering if it's possible to start at a speed different from 0 lol
  3. that's not what I said . light is breaking sound barrier. so it should make a sonic boom.. why there isn't sonic booms all around us therefor ?
  4. Well I didn't know where to post it but I was asking myself a question today. I'm in no way qualified to attend to a debate about it and my question might be very dumb but well I doubt so. So my question is : Why the light doesn't make sound ? Meaning," A sonic boom is the sound associated with the shock waves created by the supersonic flight of an aircraft. " I know the phenomen goes for everything going faster than the speed of the sound. The light being waaaaay faster , why doesn't it apply to it ? Wich makes me think that light is not material ? (I've heard it was, that's why i'm asking ) thanks
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