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Posts posted by Tirgan

  1. According to H particle-paths hypothesis, in website "Hparticles.com/", the virtual particles are real, and force carrying, e.g. contracton in case of gravitational field, negactron , posictron in case of electromagnetical interaction each of path-length value 2h-bar. These particles have contracting characteristic. They can never be propagated in normal vacuum medium similar other particles. Therefore, they can not be detected by conventional measuring devices. They propagating through H hall package tunnels within abstract vacuum spontaneously towards mass medium.

    This would be a much stronger argument if it were true.





    It actually takes some fancy footwork to avoid predicting that the vacuum energy is not infinite. As it sits now the prediction exceeds observation by a ludicrous factor. Nobody knows why.


    The discrepancy between the vacuum energy predicted by quantum electrodynamics and the cosmological constant that is consistent with the accelerated expansion of the universe is regarded by some (Wilczek for instance) as the most important and perplexing open problem in quantum field theory.

  2. According to quantum mechanics (at microcosm) there is a backward in time at infinitesimal level. But, in macrocosm according to H particle-paths hypothesis in my website "Hparticles.com/", the time travel to the past due to entropy problem is impossible. In other words, in our expanding universe that entropy is increasing linearly. The travel of human being to the past means that we can decrease the entropy down to the past in spatial medium that it is impossible at now.

    Aperently, theoretically, with the use of wormholes and negative energy, and all that shtufff, it could be possible one day to create trips back in time.

    Here is an explaination of why i dont understand how this works:


    I would beleive that once traveled back in time, you would obviously do something that would change the path of the future. Now, in this new future, you might not creating a time machine, so you wouldn't have been able to change the past, so you would have actually created the time machine, and .... yeah.


    Looking past this problem, I would beleive that changing the past could create either a time machine earlier, or later. Now, if we loop back to the past in either of those scenarios, we alter the past, and the time in which civilization creates the time machine would continually change. Eventually, the only possibility is that the loop continues until we have a universe in which the time machine is never discovered.


    Looking past this looping problem, each time we would make a loop to the past, we are allowing some radiation to enter in with us. After thousands or maybe even millions of these loops (we aren't limited timewise if time keeps being "reset") there would be waay to much radiation and life would die out.


    These problems seem pretty prominent in my eyes, but im sure that some of you out there may provide a better angle or new knowlegde on this topic to help me better understand it. A solution that i believe i have heard before, is that when traveling back in time, you actually enter a whole different parallel universe, seperate from the original one, but similar in many ways. This i believe would solve the problem, buuut how exactly would that work.... I think i have somewhat of a grasp on these concepts, but want someone to clarify.

  3. Can virtual particles come from nothing?


    If virtual particles can come from nothing, does that mean that something can actually come from nothing?


    And if some things can appear out of nothing then why can't the universe or God for that matter had come from nothing?

    Based on conservation law of energy principle, nothing can come from northing or nullity. Nevertheless, the total energy of the Universe is zero. Total momentum of the universe is also zero. Noteworthy, according to H particle-paths hypothesis, in my website Hparticles.com/, the total path-length of the universe is conserved. In other words the algebraic sum of path-length in spatial and mass media is zero at all the time. Tirgan




  4. Einstein's is not wrong. Because the light is travelling in spatial medium at c speed. And all of measurement of light speed was in spatial medium. But, According to H particle-paths hypothesis in my website hparticles.com/ . The forces e.g. gravitational, electromagnetical can be propagated within H hall package tunnels (Worm hole similarity) in abstract vacuum spontaneously. The forces of this kind e.g. gravitational is constructed of contractons ( Analogous to virtual particles) that released within these tunnels at superluminal speed. (Nominated action at a distance) toward the mass medium at contracted manner.

    M. Reza Tirgan

  5. I thought for any new members that we have, it might be nice to introduce yourself. feel free to do so here :)

    Dear Sir

    my name is M. Reza Tirgan my address is 514 East ressalat Av. Tehran, Iran, postal code 16497 Tehran. My college is The French school Saint-Louis, Tehran, I have educated in the field of physics & chemistry MS of science in Tehran University. I have research works in Tehran University , Tarbiat moalem , Beheshti (Melli) universities. I have 67 age olds you can find my research work in the field of theoretical physics in my website " Hparticles.com"

    We remain

    M. Reza Tirgan




    I thought for any new members that we have, it might be nice to introduce yourself. feel free to do so here :)

    Dear Sir

    my name is M. Reza Tirgan my address is 514 East ressalat Av. Tehran, Iran, postal code 16497 Tehran. My college is The French school Saint-Louis, Tehran, I have educated in the field of physics & chemistry MS of science in Tehran University. I have research works in Tehran University , Tarbiat moalem , Beheshti (Melli) universities. I have 67 age olds you can find my research work in the field of theoretical physics in my website " Hparticles.com"

    We remain

    M. Reza Tirgan



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