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Posts posted by chari1

  1. I have got a Maths project coming up and I would appreciate it if any one could give me some ideas or if possible some links .

    i was thinkingmaybe doing it on probability of genetics but i cant find info anywhere. genetics.

    The project has to be 50 pages of booklet and a model if possible,.

    PLZ HELp :):)

  2. a chemical god?? is it possible??


    i just have this thought about a god being completely chemical &biological origin.


    what is god ??

    god is a source of life


    what keeps us alive?

    the earth and its elements


    what are we ?



    if u see all these qs and as it could add up to something.

  3. life??hmmm?

    life is made up of all the five elements.when these five elements combined they formed mother earth.on mother earth from the water emerges life .and father timepermits evolution to continue.

  4. Hallucinations are sensory perceptions that are unrelated to outside events -- in other words, seeing or hearing things that aren't there. :


    Fever, which can occur with almost any infection, frequently produces hallucinations in children and the elderly

    Intoxication or withdrawal from such drugs as marijuana, LSD, cocaine/crack, heroin, and alcohol

    Delirium or dementia

    Sensory deprivation such as blindness or deafness

    Severe medical illness including liver failure, kidney failure, and brain cancer

    Some psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia, psychotic depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder

  5. could some poisons be actually lifesaving medicines or useful drugs


    lets have a look at the poisons

    Poisionous Plants


    Apple (Balsam)

    Apple (Bitter)



    Bryony, Black

    Bryony, European White

    Bryony, White

    Cabbage Tree

    Calabar Bean

    Calotropis Cherry Laurel


    Coca, Bolivian

    Cocculus, Indicus

    Dropwort, Hemlock Water



    Hellebore, Black

    Hellebore, False

    Hellebore, Green

    Hellebore, White Hemlock

    Hemlock, Water

    Hemp, Indian

    Ignatius Beans

    Ivy, Poison


    Laurel, Mountain

    Lovage, Water

    Mescal Buttons

    Nightshade, Black

    Nightshade, Deadly Nux Vomica

    Paris, Herb

    Poppy, White

    Saffron, Meadow





    Wake Robin, American



    so do any of these have any extra STUFF ,SOME EXTRACT ,SOME THING THAT CAN CURE A DISEASE

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