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About Corellon

  • Birthday 03/17/1972

Profile Information

  • Location
    San Diego
  • Interests
    Reading;Making Mechanical Schematics;Paintballing;Poetry
  • College Major/Degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Computer Tech/Automotive Tech/Marine Sniper


  • Lepton

Corellon's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Corellon


    I belive that you have a very good point in saying that gcol is wrong and also in saying that the demensions have not been proven. But that raises the question of, why are they still teaching children things that later in life they will find out are wrong? By the way, if I end up giving shit about my spelling then I will let you know, until then you should focus on getting smarter and not correcting others.
  2. Corellon


    You are such an abduridical individual.
  3. Corellon


    I have ofton stopped and pondered, is there anything that is strictly one demensional? After a while I came up with the conclusion.....Time. Time is the only thing that has only one demension, length. But that also raises the problem that time has not been proven but is only a measurement.
  4. I have come up with an idea; I think that I have a way to prove that physical contact is impossible. Well my idea is that, since everything is made of atoms, and an atom is made of a nucleus, protons and neutrons, and has an electron cloud surrounding, than if you try to push two atoms together without the right amount of force, the electrons clouds will push away from each other therefore causing a minute space in between objects.
  5. Some of my friends have come with an idea that they are presently testing, but they belive that if you run a low-charge pulsing current through a plant for a couple of days, possibly a week, that the electrical impulses will eccelerate the growth of the cells.
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