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  1. There is already a layer of Nickel underneath the chrome. Anyway, I just found out that because chromium is like a preservative layer, so it will be very hard to activate and plate something else onto the chrome surface nicely. Which explains why silver peeled when I used H2SO4 and I couldnt get a nice finish with HCl
  2. I am required to plate silver onto a sample with a plastic base coated with copper, followed by Nickel, then Chromium for a customer. After electrocleaning, I acid dipped in 10% H2SO4, and after plating silver, the silver layer peeled off. I tried acid dipping with 50% HCL and 25% HCL instead, but my sample ended up hazy. What should I do? (There's nothing wrong when I plate silver over nickel using 10% H2SO4)
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